exoticloverguy: What are very good reasons to support public education?
I’m working on a website project where people are able to express and put some arguments to support their own views of the modern education system and their thoughts on public education along with alternative education. I’m just looking creating an attention grabbers such as pointing out good reasons to support and not to support forms of education trying to create an balance. What are some strong reasons to support public school in terms of the process of schooling?
How would public school help support the development of knowledge in the masses?
What are the social structure advantages?
Explain in details.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Andrew
its provided to everyone regardless of economic status (equal opportunity)
creates a more educated society on the whole
theres many more
Answer by Awesome Bill from DawsonvilleThe only reason to support public education would be to show your approval of the teacher’s union,”teaching to the test”, and lowering standards in order to graduate more uneducated students. No child left behind…. because the government school system keeps most of them from getting too far ahead. They need to raise the bar instead of pumping out hoards of uneducated kids who aren’t equipped with the necessary skills to to become productive members of society.
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