Harmony: What are the best ways to make selling baby clothes very lucrative on eBay?
I have sold baby clothes on ebay before and I sold everything I listed they sell very fast, but I spent more on shipping them, than I had made from the selling price. Someone said I need to buy a scale and use it to weigh the items before I post the shipping price so that I know exactly how much to charge. I have that part down. Are there specific items that sell more than others that I should focus on?
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Answer by *due* 09-29-09
name brands sell faster than non. I dont even look at walmart brands etc unless there are very few in the lot. Anything with name brands with a big lot of them sell pretty fast. I would say stick to priority mail boxes. the weight doesnt matter as much as you can cram in there goes for the same price. their small box which is 4.95 i can get about two pairs of adult jeans in them, so its about ten baby clothes or so.
I have had the same problem before too. When you sell 20 dollars worth and then the shippings 16 dollars. not worth it!!
Answer by ♥ Inked Mama Loving her Boy ♥ PM
Unless they are designer labels or very top high street, I think it’s only really worth selling baby items in bulk.
Not necessarily a bin bag full… but I think grouping three or four pairs of jeans or dungarees together, or five tops, or similar, seems to do best.
With newborn clothes making a little collection of basics, a few bodysuits, a few babygrows, some bibs, hats, socks etc. in one lot seems to do well.
With older baby clothes, try to group things up that are relatively similar (to suit tastes) but not so similar that it’s not worth having 2 of, together. For example sometimes I’ve looked at a bulk sale of 5 or 6 items, and I’ve liked all of it except for one thing. So if you try and match so that each item in each load will match the same tastes then it’ll do better.
Really, unless as I said the clothes were expensive in the first place, I really don’t think it’s worth selling baby clothes as singular items just for the reasons you mentioned.
As for postage – well I’m not sure how it works wherever you live, but if you’re in the UK you can take the package along to the Post Office and have them weigh it and give you a postage cost, without having to actually post it then, so you can come back and know how much to list the selling price as and then take it back when you’ve sold it.
Alternatively, a good indicator is to look at similar items, so if you have a bulk of five items, look for similar sized bulks, and see what the average price of postage they’ve given is, and judge it from that.
I always find that if you put a Buy It Now option on the listing as well as the bid, things get snapped up easier. A lot of people, me included, hate the uncertainty of bidding on stuff and having to wait around to find out if I’ve got it. When I want to buy something I want to know I have it there and then, so that I can keep shopping around if I don’t get it, nothing is more tedious to me than waiting around on an auction, and I’ve found a lot of people are the same. And I would usually be willing to pay a little bit extra rather than chance it on a bid if it means I know I’ll have it. I’ve sold heaps of stuff on Ebay before and 9 times out of 10 if I put a Buy It Now option on it it’ll sell.
Answer by Tali
Name brands will get you the traffic to your eBay store. Make sure you write the brand on the title (eg. “Sean John Jeans”… ) The picture is also VERY important.
In general since your main clients for kids clothes are women, you can take advantage and post diference items for women( bedding, cosmetics…) I personally would buy my clothes from . They liquidate Macys clothes so you will get name brands. They charge $ 4.5 per piece but you can get it lower if you know how to bargain, anyway they have anything els you need for eBay so i would check it out.
Othere than that, if you are looking for a tools you should use https://www.vendio.com/
They have toold that tells you the the best time to post a particular Item and it will automatically list it on eBay and amazon. Othere than that they have many othere options you can check on the demo
Good luck
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