Cynthia B: What are the best gifts to give bridesmaids?
I don’t have a ton of money but I want to get my bridesmaids something they will actually like. What are some ides for gifts that won’t break the bank. Also all my bridesmaids are over the age of 25 and all but one are married with kids. Thank you for your help!
Answers and Views:
Answer by E&E B2B
i’d say any piece of jewelry they can wear the day of your wedding. it doesn’ have to be expensive.
Answer by PugMom
You are going to get a ton of responses that tell you to just give them the jewelry that you want them to wear at the wedding as a gift. Having been a bridesmais multiple times, I suggest getting things are personal for each bridesmaid, like perhaps a piece of jewelry that they individually would like, their favorite perfume, etc.
Answer by Taylor
gas gift cards
Answer by n2mama
A treat at the spa! A gift certificate for a mani/pedi, facial, massage, whatever. Married women with kids love to get this kind of thing, because we don’t often treat ourselves to that type of activity. You could either get them each a certificate for use whenever, or take them all to the spa the day before the wedding and treat them to nails or whatever.
Answer by alikonda
How about paying for a manicure for each? $ 15 will get you a decent manicure, and the bridesmaids with kids will probably really appreciate the chance to get pampered!
Answer by ya kno who ya are
get a necklace they wear on the day of the wedding from walmart or clairs for only like $ 5 a necklace so even if you have 6 bridesmaids that only $ 30 for something they can reuse
Answer by cheree m
most people give the bridesmaids the jewelry as a present of thanks.
but if that isn’t to your liking then what about some nice candles with your favourite scent…
Answer by Muffin
I think you should get them something that is personal and picked out just for them (not all the same thing but monogrammed or just different colours). But most importantly get them something that doesn’t have anything to do with your wedding.
Giving them jewelry to wear to your wedding isn’t really a gift for them, it comes of as a gift for the bride because it seems like she just wants everyone to match for the pictures. And although spa days/manicures are a nice thought, again it seems like the bride just wants them to look a certain way for her wedding.
You know your friends, and know what they would like. If one of them is a jewelry person then get them something nice like that, (but not for everyone to wear for the wedding). I think it is the most thoughtful to give them gifts that aren’t necessarily expensive, but thank them for their help and support, without it being about the wedding.
Good Luck and Congrats!
Answer by yogiT
although $ $ $ is a concern keep in mind how much they may be paying to be in the wedding party ( cost of dress/ shoes/ hair & make-up travel, throwing you a shower…..)
anything that shows you had them individually in mind when you bought/ made the gift they will adore.
Answer by babycakes
I am buying all of my bridesmaids (26 years old) a bottle of their favorite perfume. (or their second favorite depending on the price) and I will be buying them all a pair of flat thongs/flipflops with diamonties on them to relax their feet after all of the formalities for the wedding has been done.
Answer by TotalRecipeHound
I was a bridesmaid once (for my sister’s wedding). She bought us all pearl necklaces. I have used my necklace for years and it lasted much longer than that marriage did. They also were not expensive. I’ve seen them for $ 35 online even. Matching earrings are not necessary. Virtually everything looks good with pearls!
Answer by Tadpoles
Bracelets…or Picture frames with their names on it then they can put a wedding party picture in it
Answer by Lauren
Something they can actually use when it’s over. I got my bridesmaids personalized tote bags, they were black and had their names on them from Ebay and put in a Gift card, and other travel items (little shampoo, hair brush, tooth brush, etc) since mine had all came from out of town. I only had 3 of them so it was easier, but the bags were only $ 12.50 a piece, and way cooler than a gift bag.
Answer by stamper
Something personal but practical. Jewelry for the wedding is really gift for yourself as they would wear it the day and probably not again.
The same goes for little personalized trinkets and picture frames. Get them something they can use most everyday or very frequently. Just using whatever you get them will remind them of you and your thoughtfulness.
I don’t know your budget but I got my girls (4 maids and 1 reader) a bottle of their fav perfume, (cost range $ 40-60), a Coach wristlet I caught on sale at Dillards for the 4, and a Vera Bradley wristlet for my reader (who is also pregnant and will be receiving the matching diaper bag), I bought the Toe Strap flip flops from Old Navy and embellished them with Swarovski crystals for the reception for them, and I made all their jewelry for the wedding. Each of their jewelry is unique to them, their personalities so it is very possible for them to wear it again. It wasn’t just “wedding jewelry”. For some of them that went above and beyond the regular call of bridesmaid duty I also bought them sterling silver necklaces with diamond and each were different. I bought one a beautiful cross, another had a pendant with the Chinese symbols that meant Happy Everyday.
Keep it personal as it should have some kind of meaning but def something they can use over and over again.
For a reader- book club membership
Music lover- Music club membership
One that loves hosting parties- maybe a new of serving platter that she would like.
Just think about what they each like. If you stay within the same price range but get different gifts they all will truly appreciate the thought you put into it.
GOod Luck 🙂
Answer by chef robert
I give personalizedd copies of my romantic cookbook.
My wife and I are relationship experts on the television program Get Married that can be seen onthee Lifetime Network.
Bride gets a free book
My wife and I personalize each book for you and we ship free to North America.
Imagine getting a romantic cookbookpersonalizedd from the authors and television celebrities on the Lifetime Network shipped right to their door from you and your husband.
Give a gift of love and passion
email me for details
Chef robert and his wife Barb are relationship experts on the television program Get Married which can be seen on the Lifetime Network.
Chef robert author of Chef Robert Presents Romantic Dinners for Two
Answer by lindsey
If you want something personal and pretty inexpensive, I suggest you go to they have tons of gifts that you can personalize and they can monogram them for you. I’ve ordered from there several times and haven’t had any problems at all. They’re fairly inexpensive too. They even categorize things according to the recipient, so they have a category for bridal parties and everything.
Good luck!
Answer by Brenda S
I got my bridesmaids jewelry from and the loved it.
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