Christian Yales: What are some movies with really sweet guy characters?
I’m looking for movies to watch with really sweet and romantic teenage guys in it. Maybe something where a girl is in danger and the guy saves her. Or some guy is harassing a girl and another guy saves her. I already know about Twilight (but I’m not a big fan of this movie), and a Walk to Remember, so I’m looking for different movies. Thanks!
Answers and Views:
Answer by camy
Sweet teen age guys are kind of hard to find. Try the movie Powder, 10 Things I hate about You, Never been Kissed, Pretty in Pink, 16 Candles, The Outsiders, Romeo and Juliet (Leo Dicaprio version), Three Musketeers (Maybe), A Cinderella Story, Center Stage, Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, Employee of the Month (Not a teenager), now that I am thinking there are a bunch.
These are old but just came to mind – “Untamed Heart” with Christian Slater, “Say Anything” with John Cusack, and “Last American Virgin” with no one very known.Answer by Frtht
Definitely, Maybe
Buying the Cow
Just Friends
My Best Friend’s Girl
Employee of the Month
.Good Luck Chuck
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