SurelySarah: What are some great Halloween costume ideas for a expecting mom and her husband?
We want to tell my husband’s siblings that we are expecting our first child at his sister’s annual Halloween party. What do you guys think are some good ideas? We want to have fun with it! Also, I will barely be showing at this time.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Sweet n Sour
You – a Kangeroo with a pouch!
Him – A Steve Irwin type guy, dressed in Austrailian outback clothes, khakis and etc.
Answer by boysmom
Your DH could be a baker, and you could wear a white sweatsuit with a flap on the front decorated like an oven. Open the flap and inside have a picture of “a bun in the oven”.
Answer by FJM
M and M’s You would be the peanut one.
Answer by sknymnie
you could go as an extremly pregnant lady, stuff a pillow, or something up a big baggy shirt. not sur eof what for your husband…
just thought of this one…. sperm and egg costumes!!!
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