azure: What are some good photography books for beginners?
I have a Nikon D50 and barely know how to use it. I’m not able to take photography classes right now, but maybe later when I have more time.
Answers and Views:
Answer by mr_snaphappy
If you intend doing photography as a profession I would recommend “Beyond the lens” published by the Association of Photographers and is used on many professional courses, including HNC, HND and BA (Hons) Photography.
Tom Ang’s Digital Photographer’s Handbook also has a place in my bookshelf.
If spare cash is in short supply look around charity shops and car boot sales as I have pick up a few good bargains there,
Happy photography
Answer by Ara57
The Magic Lantern guides are pretty good to learn about your specific camera. Look for the out of print Kodak 35mm SLR guide. It is aimed toward film, but the basics of aperture, shutter speed, composition and exposure were the same then as now. Also, “Understanding Exposure” by Bryan Peterson is a great book for, well, understanding exposure!
The Kodak website is good,, for more advanced forums,
Your camera manual should be your very good friend. Keep it with you every time you use the camera. Turn the camera on and pick a page and play until you understand the settings on that page. Then do it again. You won’t be able to learn it all in just a few, or even many, sessions. Just learn a little bit every time you use your camera. It takes time, so don’t get discouraged.
The D50 is a fine camera and will produce good results when you learn to speak its language. Best wishes!
Answer by sdkidduran
Any books by Kodak. They are really great and helpful.
Answer by Erin
I’m a photographer and own a Nikon D-50 as well! It’s a WONDERFUL camera and you’re sure to make many beautiful photographs with it!
I personally own this book:
Not only does it give you some great ideas for taking photos, but it also goes into detail on all the buttons and gadgets on your camera!
Best of luck!
Answer by Edwin
Good suggestions from those who have answered. Now here is one more IF you can find it:
“OBJECT & IMAGE: AN INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY, THIRD EDITION by George M. Craven. Yes its an older film-based book BUT an excellent learning tool.
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