Sammy: What are good graduation gifts ideas for myself?
I am graduating high school this month and my close family want to get me gifts. My parents are buying me a Macbook. I would like other ideas for my other family. I was thinking about an iPad but im not sure if that would be worth the money if im getting a macbook. Keep in mind, I am going to school in the city for fashion. Any ideas? What would come in handy in college?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Coop
Need more info on you as to whether you’re a guy or a girl but… I’m a guy and I graduate in about two weeks… So in my case:
A nice watch like a Tag Heuer (instead of getting a ring)
A car
Gift cards
A trip somewhere
Think of something unique that you wouldn’t normally ask for for christmas, or your birthday. After all, this only happens once!
Answer by ♪♫
You could ask for:
-Subscriptions to fashion magazines or craft magazines
-things for your college Dorm
-cloth, thread, sewing things
-fashion books
I ask for things I’m going to use and need..Mayve things like a cvs gift card, grocery giftcard or gas card.Gift cards/money is better since YOU pick out what you want.
Hope this helps 🙂
Answer by Katy Erry
If you are unsure what kind of gifts to get then you can check out some online gift stores. There is one store that I found that has a whole bunch of unique gift items, electronics, gadgets, keychains, and other interesting items. I bought a few things from them and the people I gave it to like it a lot. I even bought some for myself since some of the stuff is so fun to play with. The stuff there is pretty cheap. They also have free shipping and they deliver fast. You can visit this store at
Answer by hansneukomm
something that teaches you about real values in life
something that teaches you the value of love above the value of material things
apparently you failed your graduation in love and just made one part of graduation, the intellectual part
real life and real happiness however starts beyond what you want or have in mind at this point of your wish list
may be you give yourself some time each day, each week to learn about God and Love for a happier future before your next break up or divorce,
Answer by Frances
A lot of ideas here.
Depends on how much they are thinking of spending.
Answer by Allison S
Don’t get two computers–decide if the Macbook/or Ipad is better for you–and go with whichever one is better.
If you are paying for school yourself, you could ask for some of the books/supplies you will need in your first year, to save yourself some money.
Where will you be living? If dorms, do you need to pay your own ‘food credit balance’-that could be good, if not in dorms–maybe pots/pans/cooking supplies you may need.
Do you need/want new clothing? Giftcards or specific item requests could be good.
Basically, be happy&grateful for anything you get, but, if asked, what do you envision yourself needing/wanting in the next year that you do not already own?
Answer by ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ I’m Me ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌
You Should Ask For Money
Most Kids Are Flat Broke In College
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