John B: too nervous around my gf and other girls?
ok well when i was with my last girlfriend i was crazy about her but was too nervous to do anything with her..i was with her for about 3 months and the most we did was french and kiss around her neck but when it came to doing anything else i was just 2 nervous i jus didnt want 2 mess anything up between us coz i was so mad about her..and its the same with other girls when it comes to taking “it” out im jus too nervous what should i do?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Chonko Monko
While you’re making out with her slip your finger up her butt hole. Don’t be a pussy, do it.
Answer by boss
i think u need to give it a lil more time…..
m sure u vont feel nervous after some time……
Answer by Alaura L
If you are that nervous then you are just not ready. Take it easy on yourself. It will happen soon enough.
Answer by Amsal K
communication my friend. Just be open and ask her.
Start off by reassuring her that you’d never do anything she isn’t comfortable with. Then move into if she actually wants to proceed. And then what she would like to try.
Good luck buddy. Have fun.
Answer by Tom M
happens to all of us man just try not to think about it and just do it the more you think about it all before it happens the worse it gets
dont ever panic
Answer by runnttombobob
how bout talking about it with the girl in question. you never know she might feel the same way or she’ll tell you how to do it and do it right
Answer by truthslave
I was nervous for many years even when girls were coming on to me. I realized later that God was protecting me so that later on in life I could be comfortably around the girl he had for me. If you are not comfortable around a girl, heed that warning and consider the alternative.
or of course the whole butthole idea might work but i doubt it…
Answer by sintu_nivi
take the first intense lip kiss and allow her to explore
Answer by Luna
How old are you? When you talk about “it” are you talking about virginity? If you are still young (say, teenager), 3 months is too short of a time to take “it” anyway. If you are older, stop calling sex/virginity “it”. As for your nervousness, if you are too nervous, you are probably not ready and should hold off. You’ll be less nervous (but nervous still) with someone you are more comfortable with.
Answer by The Correct Answer
Well in your case, this is the correct answer. If you know your meeting her soon, and will be alone and you know if at all possible you all could have the chance to do it. Talk to her on the phone first, make a conversation. Then start joking around with her about sex and stuff.. then sorta ask her in a serious laughin way like “so I care about you but I don’t want to mess anything up. But I find you so attractive, I’m not going to lie, I would like to do it but only when your ready. I just wanted to let you know that” Then take it from there.. she can only have so many reactions but none of them bad. If so she keep saying “I was only been honest with you, I don’t ever wanna lie to you” and boom forgivin.
Answer by shannon
Make sure you are ready before you do anything and make sure that you are both ready. You will know when the time is right and don’t feel like you need to rush into anything.
Answer by carrie
jst take ur tme!
Answer by Manu S
control urself
Answer by SWEET-P
I think you should just wait until your ready…your obviously a virgin so if your so nervous take as much time as you need..Most people lose their virginity to someone that already has experience just so all the tensions not on you…after the first time you’ll build your confidence up and then everything will come naturally…give it time sweetie she’s probably just as nervous as you are…you guys should have a serious talk about it….
Answer by Shinyshoes
Honestly man, this will just happen, first you will be kissing next thing you know you have a baby, so always have a condom on you. Don’t stress, you sound kinda yound, just do what feels natural unless that involves things like taking a poo on the girl, that will definately NOT get you where you want to go with her.
Answer by Chloë
The answer to your question is that you are not ready for sex. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And just because you were with a girl for 3 months does not mean that you had to have sex. You don’t have to rush to have sex with someone. The day will come when you are ready to have sex and that is okay. If your girlfriend does not understand that you are not ready for sex then that is her problem. You know girls go through the same thing. Some are ready and some are not. Maybe you believe that sex is only okay if you’re married. And that is great also if you think that way.
Answer by ASH the HUNK.
Funnily enough you questions answered my question – my bf refused to kiss me or to me let me kiss him and i was his first GF (this is a few years back), and i couldn’t understand why… it made me feel like i did something wrong or that i wasn’t good looking enough or that he just didn’t find my body attractive… but now i see he was probably heaps nervous and too embarrassed to admit – thanks! =]
Anyway – answering your question.
This is hard; nerves are hard to deal with. i think the thing is you can’t get rid of the nerves till you face the problem. (e.g in dancing people are nervous before going on stage, but on stage and after wards they could go again, you know?)
I think if your going to do anything, you have to explain your nervous but you want to do it with your GF. Honesty is attractive and communication will help not ‘mess things up’ between you if your worried. Your going to have to go into it with nerves i think ,but think about it – after the first time they’ll go. Perhaps your GF is nervous too, who knows?
Perhaps you could also go slow which may help you?
Sorry i couldn’t be much help.
Good – luck!
Answer by simba
what ! tell me your hands are not in your pocket when kissing? so relax, i take it that they are not so let them do it, and you wont be the one to mess up any thing so stop being nervous, be true to the one you love and keep it safe
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