YouDontKnowMe: What shall be my steps to start an Independant Cinema in my hometown?
I would probably need a grant to leese the building i have my eye on and to buy equipment. What would i need to buy? What rights do i need? Are there any copyright issues in showing old classic films? ANYTHING ELSE?
Basically, how do i start an independant cinema with funding? (Even – how much funidng owuld i need?)
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Answer by Anthony L
THE biggest step is to obtain a license, a permit to operate a movie theatre in your area. Small localities often give out exclusive licenses, meaning that only one movie theatre is allowed in a certain designated area.
As for expenses, that will depend if you intend to start a bona fide quality movie theatre; just one screening room can cost tens of thousands when you take into account the engineering that goes into good acoustics, seats and their disposition for a minimum of comfort and good visibility, the projector and sound system, ventilation, different levels of lighting, and less we forget the screen itself which is very expensive and often gets damaged by jerks who throw food and drinks on it.
Your best course of action would be to start by visiting another small independent cinema (preferably far from your locality so the owner won’t feel threatened and won’t be reluctant to answer your questions) and see for yourself what your up against.
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