godlydrumming: What age can i start driving a motorcycle to work in Texas?
Im 14, and i know how to drive motorcycles, and i drive them on private land. when can i get my licence/permit to be able to drive a motorcycle to and from work?
Answers and Views:
Answer by bluff mike
15 yrs old with the MSF course and 250cc restriction.
Answer by D’Ereka
Under Age 18
Be a minimum of 15 years of age (restricted to only operate a motorcycle that has not more than a 250 cubic centimeter piston displacement).
On the 16th birthday of a special restricted Class M license, the department shall remove the 250 cubic centimeter restriction from the license without completion by the holder of an additional motorcycle operator training course.
Proof of Identity, 37 Texas Administrative Code 15.24.
Proof of Social Security Number. (If you do not have a Social Security Number you will need to complete a Social Security Affidavit (DL-13) form.). 37 Texas Administrative Code 15.42, Texas Transportation Code 521.044.
Present the completion certificate of Driver Education (DE-964 Classroom). 37 Texas Administrative Code 15.29.
Present completion certificate of the Motorcycle Safety Course (MSB-8).
Be advised that the MSC must be approved by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
Submit Verification of Attendance and Enrollment in school (TEA form GEA-043R93). 37 Texas Administrative Code 15.39.
Obtain parental authorization signature. 37 Texas Administrative code 15.27.
Proof of Texas vehicle registration and liability insurance, if you own a vehicle. Texas Transportation Code 521.143.
Complete required forms available at any Texas Driver License office.
Pay the required fee. 37 Texas Administrative Code 15.40, Texas Transportation Code 521.421.
Pass the written (road rules, signs and motorcycle) and vision examinations. 37 Texas Administrative Code 15.51, 37 Texas Administrative Code 15.52, Texas Transportation Code 521.161.
Application must include photograph and thumbprints; however, thumbprints are not included on the driver license. 37 Texas Administrative Code 15.44, 37 Texas Administrative Code 15.45, Texas Transportation Code 521.142.
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