blacklavender4: soccer…?
Im trying out for my school soccer team and I have no soccer experience at all. Whats a good position to play for beginners?
Answers and Views:
Answer by KennyB
The midfield – but you better have some stamina because you’re going to be running a lot.
Answer by Emmanuel E
what you wanna do is go for a defensive position. there isnt too much running involved and not too much pressure. being a stopper is very important but you have help. and not too much focus is on the defender, not as much as the one on the attackers or the midfielder who have to run to the forward position and defense.
Answer by awfominaya
Your coaches will recognize what position you are better suited for but often new players to the game are played at striker. They aren’t really expected to score but (and I mean no offense when I say this) they can do far less harm in this role.
1 Weak defender is an easy path to the goal… When you play in the midfield you are typically required to advance the ball and putting a weak player here can result in quite a few giveaways. If you are playing Centre mid you will often have very very little time to think. If you played on the outside mids one side of the field would essentially be eliminated.
I would expect time at striker while you develop. Stay positive and remain physical and you’ll find your role.
Answer by saad ahmed
i say you should go for goal keeping. eat pepper mint chewing gums bcuz they sharpen your response . and practice goal kicks and such things . these are the basics your stamina will automatically increase and then you can tell your coach which position you actually wish to be set on.
Answer by Joshua M
there is no easy position in soccer.
Answer by inman
if u r good with ur hands and body flexibility goal keeper is good otherwise defender
Answer by shanichikudo
any position is good, but try to follow your talent, if you good at reflex and catching the ball try goal keeper, if you good at defend and tackle try defender, if you good at assist you team mates and stamina try midfielder, and if you good at attacking and scoring a goal try striker
Answer by nokel
I would say defense. That wasy, if you don’t do too well, you don’t hurt the team as much. Is this a middle school team? If so, you will do just fine. A high school team, you will have some trouble, but hang in there. Some basics that you need to know if you don’t know them already are:
1. Dribbling
2. Passing
3. Keeping the other teams players to the outside of the field- if they are on the inside they could score
4. Not use your hands
5. Running without losing your breath- short sprints can help you there
6, Crosses into the penalty area
7. Throw ins.
Good luck on that new team!
Answer by owlssoccer09
Here is my opinion. Soccer is the world’s greatest game. Its great partially cause there isnt any easy place on the field. You have to trust your teammates and work as a team. If the ball gets in the goal its not just the goalies fault or the defender that made a mistake its the team’s fault. Because that ball got through the entire team before it went in the back of the net. When you play that position you have to be confident that you are there becasue it will be the best for the team. There isnt an “easy” poistion. Coachs will tend to put players somewhere where the have strengths. If you have endurance then you might be a midfielder. If you have speed and you can shoot you might be striker. If your willing to do anything to stop the ball from getting past you, you might be a goalie or defender. My soccer idol made a career of not letting anyone touch the ball on defense. If they had a problem with that they would be on their A** in seconds and he had always been good at that. You just have to find where you strengths and weaknesses are and use them to your advantage. There is of course a lot of startegy to where you get placed on the field but it all depends on your strengths and whats best for the team. Find your strengths and pick a position from there.
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