: Should it be illegal for religious populations to alter the education system to promote their propaganda?
The religious people use the education system as a tool for mass production within their factory they call “faith.”
Should it be a criminal offense to alter the education system to support any dogmatic crap that has nothing to do with education?
MOREOVER: Should private schools be forced to become subjected to this law? No private school is above education. They can’t just make up crap.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Vienel
I think they have the same rights atheists use to promote theirs.
“The religious people use the education system as a tool for mass production within their factory they call “faith.”
Examples? Evidence? Or did you “just make up crap”, as you said? Would you like your post to be illegal?
Answer by Fifi DepueYes and also it should be illegal to force evolution and gay adjendas and abortion talk as well.Answer by JBere
It should be, and is, illegal to use government schooling to promote religious doctrine. What a person does in their own home or in a church is their own business.
Private schools are not government funded, and are exempt. If a person doesn’t like the “education” given by a private school, they can leave it.
Answer by Anonnie MouseIt is already unconstitutional. Unfortunately, certain factions of our government seek to rewrite the constitution to favor their religion.Answer by MtotheR MIGHTY RA!
Yes they are not trying to just fuck up their own kids educationAnswer by Jamie
You question is only valid to the Private sector. They are private and do not have to follows the laws or report to State, or Fedural regulations regarding education. So NO..
The First Amendment gives them that right.
Answer by JLMommaIf they started selling that god crap at my kid’s school I would have the teacher fired.
I think private schools are the lesser of the evils. If they didn’t have that the fundies would be keeping them home and not letting them out to interact with ANYONE.
Trust me I grew up in a crazy fundie home.
Answer by Ron SwansonYou mean like the notions that humankind evolved from the same common ancestor as our monkey cousin? Or that the universe expanded from a super sup-atomic particle? Both notions are unsupported by any physical evidence other than conjecture and suggestive models that point to or indicate such, but are taught as conclusive scientific fact.Answer by Warbunny: the Revenge
Private schools can do almost anything they want since they do not rely on public funding like public schools. However, there still exists some regulation over them since they have college prep as their primary goal (in most cases), and the government can regulate certain things which must be taught in order to achieve that purpose. Also, recall that the current state of separation of church and state in public schools came as the direct result of Catholics demanding it be that way. They got tired of battling Protestants, who used only their version of the Bible in public schools until the early 20th century, when Catholics petitioned the courts and the lawmakers to remove all Bibles from the public schools.Answer by hogzeye
yes it shouldAnswer by jerrymack
There are several issues here;
One, your question isn’t valid as the question itself draws a conclusion for the reader that Christianity is propaganda.
Two, your understanding of schooling is in error as it supposes that consuming factoids is its only function. Actually there are numerable avenues for other human concepts and virtuous endeavors such as the arts and sports. The school system promotes and empowers the student to be durable, steadfast and able to thrive in the human condition.
And three, the Christian has the Constututional right to impart their belief sytem to their children, especially when they are paying for it in addition to paying taxes for your children also.
God bless you.
Answer by benn-gunnWe have monkey worship in our schools nowAnswer by mia delight
Private schools are just ..that.
Certain educational standards do need to be met, however they can include religion and what ever doctrines they believe in.
The shame is that, until the students are exposed to different ideas they will be a little backward.Answer by Religion Fails Again
Yes.. creationism must only be taught at Sunday school… It has no place at all in public education.. It is an attempt by the religious right to do away with all aspects of science that they do not agree with. Furthermore the religious right wants to stop any and all forms of social progress.Answer by Kathy Miller
Our education system is designed by the powers that be for the dumbing down of the masses. Any school system, where you can attend for 12 years, and still don’t know anything about how to get a job or what career choices are out there, don’t understand simple concepts of electrical safety, or safety of any thing, like storms, are not even taught basic first aid is serverely lacking, with that much time in school, everyone should be able to learn one simple way to make a living, but no, then you go 4 more years, and most of what you learn has nothing to do with your trade. Does not make sense to me, a little faith couldn’t hurt an already hurting system. Also they treat the kids from what I have seen as all possible terrorists, I have been appalled at the treatment of the grade school children from what I have seen with my own eyes. Yet you don’t hear the kids complaining they have never known what it was like to be respected as a human being. Can’t make up crap? Check out the changes made in history books!
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