captain2man: Should I get a Flowmaster?? (2000 Mustang)?
I just bought a 2000 Mustang. V6 engine. I was told by some friends that I should get a Flowmaster installed…that – aside from making the car sound cool – that it will actually help the engine perform better & will help the car be more fuel economical (i.e. money savings at the pump). Someone else has now told me that because it’s a V6 engine – the effect of the Flowmaster will be basically nothing. I really don’t know anything about this – I don’t care about making the car sound “cool”….but if it’s going to help engine performance / save some gas money – then I’d like to do it. Thanks.
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Answer by goldwing127959
Ok here is the facts.
#1 it will make it sound cool
#2 it will DECREES the gas mileage.
#3 Make it to load and the police will take notice.
Look yes you can add this stuff and when the car was made it was made with what willi get the best gas mileage for the car. It will pass the air standards now but if you mess with it it might not.
Do what you want but for my money I would leave it alone.
Just my opine
Answer by smithg31620
i would never put flow masters on a v6,it would not sound good or cool.flow masters are made for v8s.but when most people put them on any thing they get worse gas milage because they want to hear them and to hear them you got to mash the gas pedal harder.mustangs with v6 they just look good they dont sound good,i got one myself with v6.if you want better gas milage,tune up,new air filter,injector cleaner,try that,but i wouldnt waist my gas money on flow masters.
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