dawn37842002: How long does it take for sex to induce labor? I have been 2cm dilated for over two weeks now. I am continuously having braxton hicks. My friend told me to have sex or use castor oil. I couldn't down the castor oil so I am willing to try the sex. I want to know how long after will I go into labor or will I continue to have braxton … [Read more...] about How long does it take for sex to induce labor?
Why Call it “Making Love”? Isn’t the Love Already There?
deideiblueeyez: Why Call it "Making Love"? Isn't the Love Already There? Well...? Explain to convince me why it's called "making love"! Answers and Views: Answer by Chasity Syes the love is already there but its something to express that love and want your partner to feel that love Answer by olive cheeseYou might already have it … [Read more...] about Why Call it “Making Love”? Isn’t the Love Already There?
What is the average amount of sexual partners for a female 17yo?
OmG: What is the average amount of sexual partners for a female 17yo? I know in my group of 17yo male friends we are all around 5-10 sexual partners. What is average for women. Answers and Views: Answer by Screaming EaglesYou'd never get an accurate average, either they would not admit doing it or big themselves up saying they've done … [Read more...] about What is the average amount of sexual partners for a female 17yo?
How long after intercourse will I get symptoms?
oliverbenji: How long after intercourse will I get symptoms? What's the earliest time after intercourse that I'll get symptoms if I'm pregnant? Also, what is the most common earliest symptom? Answers and Views: Answer by *suga-pop*my symptoms were just normal period symptoms like tender breast and slight cramping that is about it so the best … [Read more...] about How long after intercourse will I get symptoms?
What’s the difference between sexual attraction and being able to admire beauty?
w: What's the difference between sexual attraction and being able to admire beauty? sexual attraction means u would have sex with or date that person? Answers and Views: Answer by MattBCSexual attraction means you have a sexual desire or need for that person, and the ability to admire beauty means that you can respect the fact that the person … [Read more...] about What’s the difference between sexual attraction and being able to admire beauty?
Why do people automatically assume that a sex offender is a child molester?
Sam San: Why do people automatically assume that a sex offender is a child molester? Sex Offender is a very vague term that covers a number of sex crimes; including urinating in public, mooning, flashing, streaking, skinny dipping, prostitution, and consensual sex between an 18 and 16 year old. Before persecution and paranoia overwhelm them, why … [Read more...] about Why do people automatically assume that a sex offender is a child molester?
Is it safe to have intercourse prior to having a hernia surgery?
Brian B: Is it safe to have intercourse prior to having a hernia surgery? Lately, I have noticed a bulge on the right-side of my groin area and presume it to be a Hernia. This sort of bulge was noticed by me years back until it vanished one fine day. Now the bulge has resurfaced and has got me worried if I can indulge in intercourse. Besides can … [Read more...] about Is it safe to have intercourse prior to having a hernia surgery?