broken-hearted: Why is so hard to resist making "love", with your soulmate? I love my guy, I really like him, and want to be his soul mate forever. We have a really good connection in every thing that we share, why is it when we lay down next to each other, we just can't resist our love for each other. It is so amazing, I just can't feel the urge … [Read more...] about Why is so hard to resist making “love”, with your soulmate?
What’s the difference between physical beauty and sexual beauty?
Luparu D: What's the difference between physical beauty and sexual beauty? Some people have physical beauty and don't have sexual beauty some vice versa. PS: Sexual beauty is related for men to have muscles(to be sexy) and for women to have shapes(sorry for the rude word don't anger on me) be sexy. Physical beauty is related to all the parts … [Read more...] about What’s the difference between physical beauty and sexual beauty?
How important is sex in romantic relationship?
0xLovex0: How important is sex in romantic relationship? If you really love someone and that person loves you too everything should be great right? ...But what if you have a high sex-drive while your partner has none and will barely feel the need for sex? Will this relationship work in the long-run? Answers and Views: Answer by LibbySexual … [Read more...] about How important is sex in romantic relationship?
What is the difference between having sex addiction and simply having poor character?
Sally: What is the difference between having sex addiction and simply having poor character? tiger woods is rumored to have sex addiction. what is the difference between being a sex addict and simply being a man of poor character who doesn't value fidelity? Answers and Views: Answer by SgtXcomwhats fidelity? Poor character? Tiger woods is … [Read more...] about What is the difference between having sex addiction and simply having poor character?
How do you get over being slightly overweight while having sex?
Austin: How do you get over being slightly overweight while having sex? I'm 14 and I've had sex twice with one guy but we broke up and I already have a new boyfriend and we're planning on having sex. (I'm gay.) It didn't bother me having sex the first time because I was laying down and still had a shirt on so you couldn't notice it but I have a … [Read more...] about How do you get over being slightly overweight while having sex?
Any tips for reaching orgasm during foreplay?
Beth: Any tips for reaching orgasm during foreplay? So my boyfriend and I aren't planning to have sex just yet . But we are both 20 and we want to help each other reach orgasm without having imtercourse. For him, I'm can just stroke his dick till he reach it, but for me, I'm scared that I'm not gonna be able to. Please help. He really wants me to … [Read more...] about Any tips for reaching orgasm during foreplay?
Is the male orgasm comparable to the female clitoral orgasm?
Spinn: Is the male orgasm comparable to the female clitoral orgasm? Ive done alot of research about sexuality, but cant seem to find the answer to this question. I have read that compared to the female orgasm, male orgasms are weaker and don't last as long? So, is it possible to compare the two or are they entirely different sensations for each … [Read more...] about Is the male orgasm comparable to the female clitoral orgasm?