rolltideoh9: Gift?!?!?!?!?!?!? What kind of gift would you buy a woman if you thought she was pregnant and asked her but she wasn't? Answers and Views: Answer by Cat MeowOk ... so why would you be buying her anything ? Answer by Michelle nwhy would you buy her a gift? just say "my bad" or "sorry" and go on with life.Answer by meghan mI … [Read more...] about Gift?!?!?!?!?!?!?
How should I ask a homophobic mother’s permission to marry her son?
NONAME: How do I ask a homophobic mother permission to marry her son? She knows her son's gay and we are dating. She says she loves her son, disapproves of his "lifestyle choice". During high school, she forced him into football and basketball when he has a love for music, dance, and art. Now she's never show hostility to me personally. I cannot … [Read more...] about How should I ask a homophobic mother’s permission to marry her son?
What are the best hairstyles for a bride?
Le Monick: What are the best hairstyles for a bride? I am the bride and I'm looking for a hairstlye for my wedding. I want to know where I can go to, The wedding will take place in Houston ,TX and it will be the middle of July. I also need ideas for bridesmaid dresses and bridesmaid hairstyles. 4 of my bridesmaid are the ages of 25; two are … [Read more...] about What are the best hairstyles for a bride?
Is the clitoris a small penis or something similar?
abitofpunk: Is the clitoris a small penis or something similar? I heard from a friend that a clitoris is really just a small penis, they said that every person is born a hermaphrodite and if you are going to come out a boy the clitoris becomes a penis. However, I have never heard anything like this... Answers and Views: Answer by Philip J … [Read more...] about Is the clitoris a small penis or something similar?
How would a child feel when she is never allowed to socialize or have contact with any other children and is? How would a child feel when she is never allowed to socialize or have contact with any other children and is? How would a child feel when she is never allowed to socialize or have contact with any other children and is 24/7 with her father? She lives with her father and even says that she has a very good father. About … [Read more...] about How would a child feel when she is never allowed to socialize or have contact with any other children and is?
How many sex parters is appropriate for a 19 year old have?
Stephanie: How many sex parters is appropriate for a 19 year old have? I have been having sex since the age of 14, but I am worried that men will look at me differently because my number is higher. It is not over 10, but I am wondering in this day of age how many partners are normal. Thanks for the help! Answers and Views: Answer by Ginger … [Read more...] about How many sex parters is appropriate for a 19 year old have?
Whats the actual difference between ‘making love’ and “having sex”?
Danny Freas: Whats the actual difference between 'making love' and "having sex"? Does anyone know the actual difference between "making love" and "having sex". I feel making love is actually have sexual intercourse with the one you love but in a loving, passion, in the movie way not just having sex like doggy style, cowboy style etc. The reason … [Read more...] about Whats the actual difference between ‘making love’ and “having sex”?