Sayian_gohon: I need help with a very quick question...? Write an occupation which best matches the following skills a) document use + measurement/calculation b) finding information + decision making c) numerical estimation + writing d) scheduling + oral communication e) money math + problem solving Thanks for all your help Answers and … [Read more...] about I need help with a very quick question…?
What to look for when shopping around for home equity loans?
27amDotCom: What to look for when shopping around for home equity loans? Any advice on what to look for when shopping around for home equity loans? Are there referral commissions? I have a couple of individuals looking for a home equity loan ... I told them I'd look into it for them. I'd like to find a quality vendor, but if referrals … [Read more...] about What to look for when shopping around for home equity loans?
How much does tax preparation classes cost?
vip757: How much does tax preparation classes cost? I am thinking about going to Jackson Hewitt or one of the many other tax preparation businesses for tax classes. I am already waiting for a representative to get back to me, but I was wondering what are the fees associated with enrolling in a tax school. Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about How much does tax preparation classes cost?
where can i get blue contacs lenses without buying with credit card”?
jonathan t: where can i get blue contacs lenses without buying with credit card"? Answers and Views: Answer by BrookieIf your local walmart had an eye care center, try there (: … [Read more...] about where can i get blue contacs lenses without buying with credit card”?
What is a “Credit Score”?
: What is a "Credit Score"? Can you tell me what a "Credit Score" is? Why is it important and what's the significance of it? I'm 17 and I want to be financially fit in my future Answers and Views: Answer by MomIt is a formula used by the three reporting agencies that signifies your history of bill paying The higher the score, 750 and up shows … [Read more...] about What is a “Credit Score”?
What are some useful tips when going grocery shopping?
tinka: What are some useful tips when going grocery shopping? We have a family of four and struggling during these economic times. We need some tips on grocery shopping, because when we go we usually get things that last about 2 weeks tops. Answers and Views: Answer by Tom ツFirst, make sure you have a stocked pantry of essentials Second, … [Read more...] about What are some useful tips when going grocery shopping?
What ensures that the price of Microsoft stock on the NYSE is the same as that on Nasdaq? There is a concept?
sadavis: What ensures that the price of Microsoft stock on the NYSE is the same as that on Nasdaq? There is a concept? a concept that ensures price equalization between markets. it O.K I got it. ARBITRAGE it is called. Answers and Views: Answer by whatagal828Stock can only be traded on one market - could be another sub-company. Answer by … [Read more...] about What ensures that the price of Microsoft stock on the NYSE is the same as that on Nasdaq? There is a concept?