misscutie62: Exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!? I have exams starting tomorrow and i am really nervous!!! anyone got any tips???? Answers and Views: Answer by s.omnerI would say prepare a study guide with all of the information that you know will be present on the examination. I would prefer typing it out because I'm a faster typer and it would take longer … [Read more...] about Exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
What exams are required to be certified in deaf education?
[email protected]: What exams are required to be certified in deaf education? I am in an Interdisciplinary Program, but I really want to teach deaf ed, what exams must I take to get certified? Answers and Views: Answer by Elizabeth SIt completely depends on your state's regulations. They vary greatly. Google your state department of … [Read more...] about What exams are required to be certified in deaf education?
Is the civil service exam for accounting a general exam that can be applied to every civil accounting job?
Joe M: Is the civil service exam for accounting a general exam that can be applied to every civil accounting job? I'm a little confused. Is there a specific accounting civil service exam for every civil accounting jobs or is there just one civil accounting exam that you take and can use it to apply for any civil accounting job? In addition, what … [Read more...] about Is the civil service exam for accounting a general exam that can be applied to every civil accounting job?
How can i enter violin exams without being at school?
Jonathan: How can i enter violin exams without being at school? Hey, i started violin ages ago when i was 13 but quit after a while but now im 19 and want to start again from the beginning and was wondering if it is possible to go through the graded exams without being at school? ps. im from london,uk if that makes a difference to your … [Read more...] about How can i enter violin exams without being at school?
What is an effective way to study for exams?
Terbear: What is an effective way to study for exams? Exams are coming up next week and I would like to do well. I have bad study habits and would like to try new ones. Any ideas? Answers and Views: Answer by J SMake a study sheet for each class. go back through the chapters and write down everything that you have the most trouble on. Pretend … [Read more...] about What is an effective way to study for exams?
What is the best ways to study for high school exams?
eimmik93: What is the best ways to study for high school exams? What is an effective way to study for four exams that are happening one day after another (Jan 19, 21, 22 and 23)? I only have a few days this week that i am able to study because I have coutless assignments i have to finish. I am in grade 10. The 4 subjects I am studing for are Art, … [Read more...] about What is the best ways to study for high school exams?
What factors can lead students to break the honor code and cheat in exams?
zemajormuss: What factors can lead students to break the honor code and cheat in exams? What factors (in/out of school) can lead students to break the school honor codes and end up cheating in exams? You can give examples you have seen or thought of or from personal experience. Answers and Views: Answer by PawelI am in college now and I will … [Read more...] about What factors can lead students to break the honor code and cheat in exams?