St. Ouabache: How can we raise science literacy in the United States? It's purely antecdotal but it feels like the amount of science literacy has gotten worse in recent years. What can we do to reverse that trend? Should we throw money at it? Give incentives to schools that do well in science? Make the standardized tests harder? More … [Read more...] about How can we raise science literacy in the United States?
Kansas Employment Law: Is it illegal to work for two different grocery stores?
wiseacre: Kansas Employment Law: Is it illegal to work for two different grocery stores? My daughter works at a very small health food co-op in one town and recently got a job at a chain grocery store in a neighboring town. The chain told her she'd have to quit her co-op job due to a KS law stating you can't work in two different grocery stores. … [Read more...] about Kansas Employment Law: Is it illegal to work for two different grocery stores?
What job including Economics Finance and Management could make me a millionaire in Mayfair?
Francesca C: What job including Economics Finance and Management could make me a millionaire in Mayfair? Hi, This is an odd question, but I absolutely LOVE Mayfair and one day would love to own a huge house there and basically be able to afford one. I am planning on doing Economics Finance and Management at University and i was wondering, what job … [Read more...] about What job including Economics Finance and Management could make me a millionaire in Mayfair?
How would I transfer house to my name upon divorce?
galyamilashka: How would I transfer house to my name upon divorce? My husband & I bought a house 1 year ago. The title and mortgage under both names. He moved out to live with another woman, but agreed to divorce and let me have the house. We haven't filed for divorce yet. I am concern about the house. Can I transfer the title and mortgage … [Read more...] about How would I transfer house to my name upon divorce?
How to balance a friendship with my ex with a current relationship?
Mudziack: How to balance a friendship with my ex with a current relationship? I have a boyfriend in school who I'm crazy about, but I feel badly for my ex who sees us in the halls all the time. My ex and I were still good friends up until I got a new boyfriend. I cut him out of the picture at that point. I care about both of them, but I don't know … [Read more...] about How to balance a friendship with my ex with a current relationship?
:): bible....? whats up? whats the best bible verse uve read? see ya Answers and Views: Answer by BeejeeJudge not lest thee be judged. (Or something like that.) Sorry, no reference information. Answer by J Leigh ♥"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have … [Read more...] about bible….?
How is China buying our debt if they are one of the poorest countries on earth?
pearbear: How is China buying our debt if they are one of the poorest countries on earth? China is supposedly buying more than 1 trillion of our current debt. I am aware that we have a trade deficit but it is no where near that amount. So how are they buying our debt? Or are they? Answers and Views: Answer by HereeseWe're in debt to them. You … [Read more...] about How is China buying our debt if they are one of the poorest countries on earth?