Kinarere: What is a good young adult literature book to do a literary argument/paper on? I have to read a young adult/ adolescent literature book for a reading class and am having trouble finding anything. What can anybody reccommend. It cant just be something like harry potter, it has to be something I could write a good paper on. Oh and if you … [Read more...] about What is a good young adult literature book to do a literary argument/paper on?
Spanish help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Lauren S: Spanish help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Well to start off I am home schooled. This year I am taking health, math, science, Spanish, and language. My favorite subjects are health, science and math. They are my favorite subjects because I want to be a doctor, so they not only interest me the most, but will also be helpful in … [Read more...] about Spanish help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
What religion embraces both the positive and negative aspects in life?
Ryan: What religion embraces both the positive and negative aspects in life? Life isn't all rainbows and joy. While positive things are what humans tend to focus on, negative things are still apart of the order of life and Nature. When I say positive, I speak of life, light, order, joy, etc. Negative would be death, darkness, chaos, anger, … [Read more...] about What religion embraces both the positive and negative aspects in life?
How can my fiancee adopt my daughter after we get married?
Martin N: How can my fiancee adopt my daughter after we get married? As most know now I am to be married in May. I am 17 and have lived with my fiancee (who is also 17) since October. We live along with my 3 year old daughter who loves my fiancee and even calls her mom at times. My daughters real mom moved away last year and left our girl behind … [Read more...] about How can my fiancee adopt my daughter after we get married?
What is the difference between Buddhism and other religions in quenching satisfaction?
oddnerdout: What is the difference between Buddhism and other religions in quenching satisfaction? How does Zen Buddhism differ in satisfying the lack of satisfaction in the world as compared to other religions (such as Christianity, Hinduism, etc) Answers and Views: Answer by ThreeinOneReligion does not satisfy. The living God, Jesus … [Read more...] about What is the difference between Buddhism and other religions in quenching satisfaction?
How long does an amicable divorce take to finalize in the state of Oregon?
Katie: How long does an amicable divorce take to finalize in the state of Oregon? Hi Everyone, If one were to file for an amicable divorce in the state of Oregon, how long does it take for the divorce to finalize? Also, would one have to file for separation before filing for divorce in Oregon? Anything helps! Thanks! Answers and … [Read more...] about How long does an amicable divorce take to finalize in the state of Oregon?
How do you say “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” in German?
iamcountchocula: How do you say "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" in German? I don't speak German at all, but I'm sending a Christmas Card to my friend who is from Germany and her family. If you could possibly tell me how to write this in German I would be grateful, preferably in the informal way. Thank you!!! Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about How do you say “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” in German?