amnestiswrong: What inconvience does a family experience when the mother or father goes to jail? In most families the father is the main bread winner; in some families the mother is the main bread winner and in many families both parents work. If one of them ends up in jail or prison does it cause a hardship on the family? What hardships would be … [Read more...] about What inconvience does a family experience when the mother or father goes to jail?
How is it possible for a bible to be absolute authority?
keys of passion: How is it possible for a bible to be absolute authority? This does not make sense. When people read a scripture text they will interpret it in different ways because we are unique in character and life experience, so we will judge and analyze it and observe different moral ethics. People naturally form subjective opinions but if … [Read more...] about How is it possible for a bible to be absolute authority?
Why do some creationists claim that evolution is a religion?
Dreamstuff Entity: Why do some creationists claim that evolution is a religion? Posted a few minutes ago: "Religion should not be touched in schools. And that goes for the religion of evolution too." In reality, however: 1. Evolution merely describes part of nature. The fact that that part of nature is important to many people does not make … [Read more...] about Why do some creationists claim that evolution is a religion?
Why do some believe that legalizing gay marriage would lead to marriage to animals and relatives?
tangerine: Why do some believe that legalizing gay marriage would lead to marriage to animals and relatives? After all, gay marriage would take place between two consenting adults, and a dog, cat, or horse would never be able to give its consent. Also, there are laws on the books against marrying relatives, thanks to concerns about inbreeding. … [Read more...] about Why do some believe that legalizing gay marriage would lead to marriage to animals and relatives?
=): RELiGiONS?!? out of all the five great religions (hinduism, buddhism, judaism, christianity and islam)..... which one has no deity? which relgion is the foundation of two later religions? which religion believes the messiah has already arrived? judaism or christianity? Answers and Views: Answer by rehobothbeachguiBuddhism has no … [Read more...] about RELiGiONS?!?
what happened to “falling in love”? and is there a time limit?
jasonjuicy1969: what happened to "falling in love"? and is there a time limit? is it unethical or wrong, to fall in love fast? Answers and Views: Answer by D Snot if that is how you feel. Answer by mookieNo set rules..Answer by Xiriah LeiNormally you don't fall in love that fast... it should come.Answer by 38 YR SEEKS YOUNG GFFALLING IN … [Read more...] about what happened to “falling in love”? and is there a time limit?
How do you find out which Buddhism is the right one to follow?
breakerboy: How do you find out which Buddhism is the right one to follow? Ive been reading into Buddhism and have realised that it may have alot of answers to many of my lifes questions. Since looking into it though ive found that there is more than one type. Im really interested in taking it further but dont know which to choose or even how to … [Read more...] about How do you find out which Buddhism is the right one to follow?