mao: What is the best web authoring software? I would like to create a sample Web Site and Design it using some software but i don't have any idea which software will i use. I have to kinds of software that is currently install in my laptop. Microsoft Expression and Adobe Dreamweaver. What's the difference between the two? What's the best … [Read more...] about What is the best web authoring software?
How do you make a shopping center on Dreamweaver?
A human wanting an answer!: How do you make a shopping center on Dreamweaver? I wanted to make a shopping center thing on a website that I'm gonna make but I don't know how. Can anyone help me or direct me to a tutorial on how to do this? Answers and Views: Answer by hadiI suggest you to visit this site for comparison. This site just built … [Read more...] about How do you make a shopping center on Dreamweaver?
Is it possible to give my desktop computer my laptop’s wireless internet?
Anthony: Is it possible to give my desktop computer my laptop's wireless internet? I have a laptop and a desktop. I currently don't have internet in my house but I'm using wifi internet from my laptop. If there any way possible to get the internet my laptop is getting to my desktop without buying any special equipment? And what is that card … [Read more...] about Is it possible to give my desktop computer my laptop’s wireless internet?
How do you remove music from a movie clip and keep the voices on Audacity?
Music lover: How do you remove music from a movie clip and keep the voices on Audacity? I have a handful of movie clips for my English project. The only downside is that they come with music that is different from the music I'm using. My question is, how do you remove or mute music from a movie clip, that's been converted to a audio file, and … [Read more...] about How do you remove music from a movie clip and keep the voices on Audacity?
Dixie: software...................? i've got windows ME and need good M/S office stuff, but can i get better than WORKS? please help, dont know much about comps Answers and Views: Answer by the_pranksterWhat "Stuff" do you need? there is a programe called open office that is free and does most of the things Word and Excel can do. Answer … [Read more...] about software……………….?
How do you convert music to your ipod with itunes?
Mathias V: How to convert music to your ipod with itunes? Is it possible to convert music in itunes to a lower quality when you put the music on your ipod? The music in my itunes library is in high quality, but i would like to convert it to a lower quality on my ipod so i can get more music on it. Is this possible with itunes or do I need to use … [Read more...] about How do you convert music to your ipod with itunes?
What purpose does Twitter serve for normal people?
midnightmarshmallow: What purpose does Twitter serve for normal people? I've been trying to figure this Twitter thing out and apparently it's good for bloggers and famous people and businesspeople to share news about what's going on. My question is, what purpose does it serve for regular people that don't have a new album out or anything? Do you … [Read more...] about What purpose does Twitter serve for normal people?