Matthew: Twitter................................................? Sup One thing I don't get about twitter is, if a celebrity or whatever says he reads all his fan tweets, I don't get it. If I post @(name) and then something after. It should go to him so he can read it, but it doesn't appear on his twitter wall. Now I do see people that have done … [Read more...] about Twitter…………………………………………?
What certifications should I get for the networking field?
coryy21: What certifications should I get for the networking field? I am about to graduate with my Associates Degree in Networking and am taking my CCNA next week. I was also planning on getting Network+, Security+, MCITP. Are these good and are there any others I should definitely get? Also, is A+ beneficial for the networking field? … [Read more...] about What certifications should I get for the networking field?
How to home networking computers with only a dial-in modem?
Sher: How to home networking computers with only a dial-in modem? I know how wireless network work with cable and DSL. I am still keen on keeping my dial-in connection while networking all our computers (4) and printers (2) so that files and printers can be shared from different computers in the different rooms. The wireless routers and adapters … [Read more...] about How to home networking computers with only a dial-in modem?
How to change your twitter background from your iphone?
ChristianWoman: How to change your twitter background from your iphone? How to change your twitter background from your iphone? Does anyone know if it is possible to change your twitter background from your iPhone? Is there an app for that?? Haha or can you do it somehow via text or something? I know twitter itself won't let you. Answers and … [Read more...] about How to change your twitter background from your iphone?
How do i get rid of their twitter friends friends an just follow them?
marcusnz80: How do i get rid of their twitter friends friends an just follow them? Just joined twitter, and i not only get the people im following through my news feed, but some of their friends. How do i get rid of their friends an just follow them? Answers and Views: Answer by JoshGo to the profiles of the people that you don't want to … [Read more...] about How do i get rid of their twitter friends friends an just follow them?
How can I get a Facebook eMail notification when a friends posts something?
Sea Spirit: How can I get a Facebook eMail notification when a friends posts something? Can I get a Facebook eMail notification when a specific friend posts anything at all? I don't want to have to keep checking facebook just in case they have posted something. I'm not only interested in when someone comments on a photo. All my … [Read more...] about How can I get a Facebook eMail notification when a friends posts something?
What made online social networking so popular?
superman18123: What made online social networking so popular? What events in the online networking timeline made going online to Myspace, Facebook, or a random blog so popular? Surely there has to be a catalyst. I understand why they are popular now (to connect to long lost friends, for businesses to compete, to gather ideas, etc.), but how did … [Read more...] about What made online social networking so popular?