barry h: How can i get Google Chrome to just play online videos and not download them? Hi,im just wondering is there any way to get google chrome to just play a selected video without downloading it.I recently swapped to chrome from internet explorer which would always just play a video and not download them too,any advice is much … [Read more...] about How can i get Google Chrome to just play online videos and not download them?
How did Google start making their money before going public in 2005?
Leads: How did Google start making their money before Google went public 2005? Just tell how Google got enough money to buy youtube and how the two owner became billionaires? Answers and Views: Answer by John BernsteinAd revenue.Answer by ParaAdvertising, advertising, advertising. Clever advertising. That's the secret. Also, hiring the right … [Read more...] about How did Google start making their money before going public in 2005?
How google gather information about users to customize advertisemnet?
Rebel: How google gather information about users to customize advertisemnet? From a technical point of view how Google in different ways can (or could) gather information about users and use it to customize advertisements, both at their own and others' sites. What kinds of information can be gathered? Answers and Views: Answer by NickThey can … [Read more...] about How google gather information about users to customize advertisemnet?
How can I get Google english back as my permanent search engine?
R W: How can I get Google english back as my permanent search engine? Without warning, my english Google search engine seemed to become overnight. I've gone through Google's search settings options to change it, but when I use the quick search bar, my computer automatically searches at How do I get google in english back and … [Read more...] about How can I get Google english back as my permanent search engine?
How can I stop the google map div element from moving the position of my web page?
GARETH B: How can I stop the google map div element from moving the position of my web page? Hi there, I have placed a google map into a how to find us section on a webpage I am making, but when I put the element for it in there, the whole web page shifts to the left by a few pixels. I have tried different positioning on it but nothing seems to … [Read more...] about How can I stop the google map div element from moving the position of my web page?
molly m: google...? how do you erase your history on google, like when you type y make it so yahoo, yeah, yo.... doesnt come up in a scrollbar underneath. Answers and Views: Answer by tyleryou know, ive always wanted to do the same thing, but i can't either. Answer by aliciatool internet options delete cookiesAnswer by DerickIn IE go to … [Read more...] about google…?
How to store a Google spreadsheet in Gmail folder so it can be accessed and updated from within Gmail?
brainstorm: How to store a Google spreadsheet in Gmail folder so it can be accessed and updated from within Gmail? Hi, I want to be able to store a Google spreadsheet in a Gmail folder so that it can be accessed and updated from within Gmail- rather than having to come out of Gmail and go into Google docs. I'd be grateful for any tips on … [Read more...] about How to store a Google spreadsheet in Gmail folder so it can be accessed and updated from within Gmail?