: How do I talk my dad into getting my ears pierced? I'm almost 13 years old and I have never had my ears pierced. My mom said she's ok with me getting them pierced but my dad is against it. My mom says she won't get my ears pierced until my dad is ok with it. How do I talk my dad into it? Answers and Views: Answer by bopdaddypoint out to him … [Read more...] about How do I talk my dad into getting my ears pierced?
what is a good tattoo gallery website with really good tattoos?
alexxxa $ o's: what is a good tattoo gallery website with really good tattoos? im trying to design a tattoo for myself and im having like "tattooers block". lol! i need ideas and websites if possible. if i can get a website with as many pictures as possible. that would be great. im thinking something with stars or something really girly. … [Read more...] about what is a good tattoo gallery website with really good tattoos?
Does winter or other season irritates the skin most by drying it out?
SUPerTie: What seaon irritates the skin most by drying out the skin? I heard that winter irritates the skin most why? also, does spring, summer, and fall irritates the skin by drying it out? i have acne skin so i really dont wanna irriate my skin and worsen my acne...So does winter irritates the skin? does summer irriate skin? spring, fall? And … [Read more...] about Does winter or other season irritates the skin most by drying it out?
Is it normal for a Vertical Clitoral Hood piercing that is a week & 5 days old to itch sometimes?
monica g: Is it normal for a Vertical Clitoral Hood piercing that is a week & 5 days old to itch sometimes? I am sure that there is nothing else (STD, VD, etc.) causing the itchiness because I am not sexually active. Is it just the piercing healing? Answers and Views: Answer by ☆Erika☆Yes, it is normal. Any wound to your body (including a … [Read more...] about Is it normal for a Vertical Clitoral Hood piercing that is a week & 5 days old to itch sometimes?
What are the skin products that strip oil off the skin and available in india?
sue21: What are the skin products that strip oil off the skin and available in india? My skin is extremely oily. At work the AC is always on and oit makes my skin exhude oil more, can any one give me details about a product available in India that strips the oil away from my skin completely and is portable? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about What are the skin products that strip oil off the skin and available in india?
What’s the skin treatment or home remedies to bring acne to the surface?
bubblewraps: Skin treatment or home remedies to bring acne to the surface of the skin? I have PCOS so I suffer from acne. Sometimes my skin becomes clearer after I had my period, but the problem is that, even if it's clear, there still are some trapped underneath the surface. Sometimes I'm tempted to squeeze them out but I don't like the scar it … [Read more...] about What’s the skin treatment or home remedies to bring acne to the surface?
What kind if skin product should I use to make my pores smaller and face less blotchy?
YOUR BEST FRIEND RIGHT HERE: What kind if skin product should I use to make my pores smaller and face less blotchy? I have no serious acne issues as I may get a pimple here and there. My skin isn't overly dry or oily. I use oil of olay soap and a daily skin cream and my skin's ecosystem seems to stay in balanace and I defintely do not want to mess … [Read more...] about What kind if skin product should I use to make my pores smaller and face less blotchy?