: If my breasts are usually sore the week before I start my period and they aren't this time, could it be a sign? If my breasts are usually sore the week before I start my period and they aren't this time, could it be a sign of pregnancy? (I know how dumb that sounds but Im just wondering) Not on BC and my periods are regular. Answers and … [Read more...] about If my breasts are usually sore the week before I start my period and they aren’t this time, could it be a sign?
What shoes for a man to wear to a night club at Las Vegas?
Tony R: What shoes for a man to wear to a night club at Las Vegas? I am going to Las Vegas with some buddies next month and we are going to go to clubbing. I was wondering what type of shoes should I wear to these dance clubs? Links to examples will be very helpful, so I can get a general idea of what shoes to buy. Is it okay to wear vans? Or do … [Read more...] about What shoes for a man to wear to a night club at Las Vegas?
Can you use permanent tattoo ink to draw a temporary tattoo? How long will it last?
bd-queen: Can you use permanent tattoo ink to draw a temporary tattoo? How long will it last? Can I use permanent tattoo ink with a airbrush or temporary tattoo pen? Will permanent ink last longer than the temporary ink? I know that unless I use proper machine, it won't be permanent. Answers and Views: Answer by Grey CatWhat you need to … [Read more...] about Can you use permanent tattoo ink to draw a temporary tattoo? How long will it last?
What color shoes with navy skirt and grey tights?
Lindsay: What color shoes with navy skirt and grey tights? I have a cute little navy skirt and picked up some opaque grey tights to go with it for winter, but am stumped about what color shoes to pair with this combination. I've been looking for a simple, navy platform but can't seem to find anything youthful - all the navy shoes tend to be old … [Read more...] about What color shoes with navy skirt and grey tights?
I just found out that I have a improper vertical “surface” clitoral hood piercing. What should I do?
AJN: I just found out that I have a improper vertical "surface" clitoral hood piercing. What should I do? I recently got it pierced (2 weeks ago today) and was looking online at what types of jewelry I would like and this is how I discovered the piercing is placed incorrectly Answers and Views: Answer by SmilerTake the piercing out and the … [Read more...] about I just found out that I have a improper vertical “surface” clitoral hood piercing. What should I do?
How is fashion important to world history?
maglover117: How is fashion important to world history? I am doing a project on ancient Asian fashions. We have to include how fashion is important to world history and how it affected world history. Any other information on fashion and how it changed in ancient Asia ( 1000 BCE to 1600 ACE) would also be helpful. (This is a high school class.) … [Read more...] about How is fashion important to world history?
How long does it take for breasts to completely grow?
Jasmine: How long does it take for breasts to completely grow? I'm about to be 14 in less than a month, and my breasts stopped growing since I was 12. I haven't even started my period, either. Answers and Views: Answer by MarinaI didn't have my full breasts until I was about 20. Honestly, they called me "Two Backs" in high school, and now I … [Read more...] about How long does it take for breasts to completely grow?