♫Denmark♫[owner of puppy love]: POLL: Can you differentiate between simply “Sex” and “Making Love”…?
Sex-intercourse without any significant purpose towards general feelings or conceiving an infant, mainly luvvy dubby teens and adults who are only interested in flings.
Making love-Two committed partners who love each other unconditionally and have known each other for an adequate amount of time.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Uki
Well, you could only tell the difference after the orgasm ends……
totally agree with you.
& its pretty easy to decide for yourself during it.Answer by Verity M
Your definitions are deficient, IMO. “Unconditional love” can occur without an “adequate” amount of time (whatever that means)… and between people who cannot have sex simply because the circumstances make it impossible– like consanguinity or prior marriages/relationships.
If we limit the discussion to married couples, however, I once heard a clergyman say that successful sex had three components: recreation, relaxation and procreation. He felt that if any two of the three components were present that the sex was not only good but fell squarely into traditional christian teaching. Obviously, some of that intercourse would be raw sex!
Answer by SpikeThey’re the same thing aren’t they?Answer by Curious.tee
Yeah, i can. And I’ve seen a lot of people misuse those two words. People should know the difference.Answer by Granny Ying
Well simply, I would say sex is just for the pleasure and can be done with anyone, be it a one night stan or with a friend, some one that you don’t have strong feelings for.
And making love, I’d it’s more passionate I suppose and you do it with the person that you love, not nesesarily for the pleasure, just because you love them and that’s a way to show them that…
But hehe, I’m just and old lady =]
Answer by Shawn C.I agree. Plus rape. That isn’t making love. It’s lust.Answer by Lana T.
F-ing is for YOU.
SEX is for BOTH of you.
MAKING LOVE is for the OTHER person.
Got it?
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