Thy D: Can you start programming in college and end up majoring computer science? From what I hear, most CS majors started programming while they were very young. This is kind of discouraging to someone who wants to start programming or is interested in the field. What are your thoughts on this? Answers and Views: Answer by sashazurWell, I … [Read more...] about Can you start programming in college and end up majoring computer science?
What is the best book to learn java programming?
Kevlar: What is the best book to learn java programming? What is the best book to learn java programming? I want a beginners book in java programming, I know very little as I did a short course in school. I know visual basic programming and a few other programming languages already, and now want to learn java programming. If you know any good … [Read more...] about What is the best book to learn java programming?
What kind of programming projects can I write for a hobby?
jn_cutting: What kind of programming projects can I write for a hobby? I have a little bit of programming knowledge. But am not sure what programming langauges are cheap and easy to use. Also, what king of programs can I write. Answers and Views: Answer by pinchhazardIf you're interested in web programming, pick up PHP. Along the way, learn … [Read more...] about What kind of programming projects can I write for a hobby?
How much computer programming do you need to know to work in the GIS field?
Roger: How much computer programming do you need to know to work in the GIS field? I have a degree in Geography. I took an intro GIS class in college and enjoyed it. We used the ArcGis software package from ESRI in the class. I am now thinking of getting a Masters or a Certificate in GIS but I noticed that many colleges require computer … [Read more...] about How much computer programming do you need to know to work in the GIS field?
How to make a quiz program in turbo pascal?
James Hurray: How to make a quiz program in turbo pascal? I need to make a quiz with 30 question (15 multiple choice, 15 cloze questions), and have the order of all questions randomized. It also must calculate the result as a percent and display the qeustions answered wrongly with the correct answer. Even just a sample with 3 or 4 example … [Read more...] about How to make a quiz program in turbo pascal?
What programming language should you start to learn first, to program/work with Artificial Int?
geremy h: What programming language should you start to learn first, to program/work with Artificial Int? I would like to work with A.I. after a few years of college and would like to know where to focus my efforts in learning programming languages. I see that Java/C(+,#,etc) and a few others are used, but what do I start with, to learn. A good … [Read more...] about What programming language should you start to learn first, to program/work with Artificial Int?
what programming language is most simular to the lanuage used to program Elderscrolls 3: Morrowind?
Chris: what programming language is most simular to the lanuage used to program Elderscrolls 3: Morrowind? I want to learn to script for Morrowind since i already mod for the game. Getting people on the Morrowind forums to do scripts for me can sometimes be a challenge so i want to cut my teeth on a programming language that is the most simular to … [Read more...] about what programming language is most simular to the lanuage used to program Elderscrolls 3: Morrowind?