summer luvver 😀: OMG! my ipod screen is tuck at the “do not disconnect” page…please please read!?
ok so i plugged my 4gb ipod nano into my computer to charge it. When i went to unplug it, i “safely removed hardware” but when it unplugges it stayed at the screen thats says do not disconnect. PLEASE HELP! most info! i dont know if i can return it cuz i got my name engraved on the back from
Answers and Views:
Answer by Pam
go to
ir you reset your ipod, all the songs will still be in itunes, so you can just load them in again
Answer by Huang K
reboot your ipod.
Hold the centre button and the menu button for 5 seconds
Answer by superdork
If you don’t mind losing all your songs and stuff, you can do a reset. Just hold the center button and the menu button.
just unplug it, if you lose info you can put the songs back on. I have had to do this and never lost a show or songs. Then run a diagnostic check on your ipod – when you hook to a computer that screen comes up.
Answer by Francis
1. Toggle the Hold switch on and off.
2. Press and hold the Menu and Select(middle button) buttons until the Apple logo appears, about 6 to 10 seconds. You may need to repeat this step.
by the way, this doesn’t erase your songs
Answer by uknow
Don’t reset your ipod! Because you’ll lose all your songs! Plug it back in and in iTunes- push the “eject” button. It should be on the left hand side and it’s a little eject symbol.
About returning it. You may not be able to get a refund, but is there a warranty? Or at least you can take it to get it fixed at an apple store.
Answer by Kate
If it won’t go away just hold down the menhu button and the middle button at the same time for about 7 seconds. Itshould restart.
Answer by Carnal
Here is what you do. You hold the button in the center and the menu button which is the top button. You hold these two together for about 5 seconds. What this does is it resets you ipod. Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!
PS: Don’t worry, your songs won’t go away!
Answer by Aurelia
Does it always do it, or did it just did it this time? IF it’s the first time, I suggest you leave it until all its batteries drain out. Then when you plug your iPod the next day or something, it will say something along the lines, “Please wait…Low on battery”. Then it’s all better, when it says “Do Not Disconnect”, and then a few moments later, it turns to your iPod’s main screen. Hope this helps, and that it didn’t sound too confusing.
Answer by sandchez
Try to reset it by holding the Center button and menu at the same time for a couple seconds until the screen goes to the apple logo. If that does not work try to restore the Ipod that should be on the page in Itunes when you plug it in.
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