bosto: Double Mastectomy with “gummy bear implants” gel filled implants but muscle still tightens up?
For a friend.
It’s been 2 years since she’s had the double mastectomy (due to breast cancer) they are “gummy bear implants.”
She’s tried physical therapy, muscle relaxers, and nothing works in the long run it seems.
What happens she says it feels like the muscles tighten up and it’s gets very uncomfortable even walking and sometimes she can just sit there and it really tightens up.
What do you think is going on, any one else have this? The problem the doctor says she hasn’t really heard of this in many people but my friend was wondering if her body just isn’t agreeing with these types of implants and if another kind or what not would be b etter for her.
Any exercises that are known to be the best at this?
Could this be due to scar tissue, why, how, and what can be done.
Any help is much appreciated
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Answer by knittinmama
It could be scar tissue. I had a mastectomy 5 years ago and still get tightness from the axillary scar where lymph nodes were removed. Deep tissue massage sometimes helps but it can be quite uncomfortable to have it done.
You might do some research on massage therapists who work with post mastectomy patients.
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