Gaurav: Mom !!?
Do u Love ur mom ?????
whats her name and why do/don’t u love her ?
2 points for every meaningfull answer !
a star plzz
Answers and Views:
Answer by The Chair Wizard VII
I love her so much, Pitty she’s still at work.
Yes, I love her because she is my mum.Answer by Jona
i love my mom a lot…
I love her caz she loves me more than anything in this worldAnswer by koeber
I love my mom because she was always there for my brothers and sister and me. She went without so we would have what we needed and she never gave up on any of us. She still helps me out whenever I need anything. My mom means everything to me. You’re gonna make me cry!Answer by Name please?
Yeah I love her!
Her name is Veronica Catherine!!
I love her coz there never an instance she didn”t give her 100% when it comes to taking care of me and my siblings!!
U from India? great country.mother sentiment reigns! right?
Answer by missmMoms rock! You should always love them! Most of the time they prioritise themselves last and put us first!Answer by yogeshwargarg
The very word Mom or mother conjures images of tenderness, of love and warmth, of the unbreakable bond between her and her child.I think of the very valuable relationship that I had with my mom , who is no more in this world. You cannot get a Mom in exchange of all the gold in the world. I have deep sympathy for those kids who lost their Moms at their early age and have been starving for their share of motherly love.
In answers website , I came across several postings in which teenagers lamented that they are not able to carry on with their moms, their moms are cruel, their moms imposed many restrictions , mom has not approved their b/f or even one said that my mom is a bit**.I was stunned and pained to read such postings. I pitied them for they do not know the real value of a Mom. I tried my best to advise them to mend their relationship with Mom and to treat her with the respect she deserves.
My Mom’s name was Smt. Parwati Bai. She left us in 1964.Answer by ranunculusviridis
I love my mom very much. Although we were on the outs for many years, I finally made peace with her in 2000. Her name was Kathryn. She died in 1982.Answer by Nishant
Yes i love my mom too much because she too loves me.
Her name is Mom.
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