Mein Herz Hass Christentum Mit Liebe: How can a loving god send people to hell?
Fictionally speaking, your god knowns that people are being agonizingly tortured. Don’t you believe an all loving god can’t ignore many millions that are suffering?
Also, was there a second type revelation that said everybody goes to hell for 3 days than resurrected to eternal life?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Wolfe
Have you read the Old Testament? not very loving…more wrathful actually.
How can you not already know the knee-jerk “ready made” Christian responses to this question?
I hope Christians are taking a *drink*Answer by Milhouse
And people are born that he knows are going to hell because he’s omnisicent.Answer by Brooke
Worth taking a look at =)
Answer by A friendHe doesn’t send ppl there. Ppl send them selfs there.
God as given us a stay out of hell pass ( his son Jesus Christ) and ppl have the choice to follow him or ignore himAnswer by Phantom X
He is actually more more hateful than loving if you read the bible carefully and study him carefully.Answer by ninja jubei
Dude, the lake of fire is a man made concept. True hell is separation from God. Those who don’t go to heaven simply won’t be resurrected, and will remain nonexistent, forever. So, God doesn’t send anyone to hell.Answer by Plur
Why would you ask this seriously if it’s all just “fictional” anyways? U fail.. lmaoAnswer by tagboy
No wonder Christians fear this loving God.
We are satisfied that there can be but little liberty on earth while men worship a tyrant in heaven.
— Robert Green Ingersoll, “The Gods” (1872)
Hell is a lack of spiritual progression and not being in the presence of God.
The only way a person can live in a perfectly united eternal family with God is to become the kind of person God is because any division would mean there is not unity. We need to spiritually progress and grow to the point that we are live our Heavenly Father in our ability to love and how we choose to live our lives and to seek that progression in this life demonstrates how we will be in the next. Those that do the things to spiritually progress in this life, will naturally continue in the next. Those that dont, wont, and in reality, probably wont want to do the work it takes to become that kind of person.
There are many diff ways in this life to spiritually progress and become like God. Even atheists can do so because an atheist can become charitable and loving and those are Christlike qualities.
People have such a misunderstanding of what the purpose of this life is and what heaven and hell actually means.
Answer by яєє;He doesn’t send people to hell, we choose it by not accepting His love.Answer by lilbizzy1861
To clarify. He doesnt “Send” people to hell. Those people CHOOSE their fate. God has made it very clear for everyone. Follow Him, you get eternal salvation. Follow the world’s sin and you get hell. You want him to be compassionate to those who refused to believe in Him and accept Him as his savior?Answer by mrglass08
He is more than just loving, he is also holy and just. You are correct in that if you reduce the characteristics of God to simply omni-benevolent then the doctrine of Hell makes no sense. However God is much more than you are giving him credit for and his other characteristics come into play.Answer by Lycan
God doesn’t send anyone to Hell.They ignore Him and refuses to submit to one who is farther beond us than we are beond plankton. When moms and dads make rules and we brake them because we don’t like or understand, it doesn’t mean they are wrong to punish us. God created all so he has the right to do as He will. We always have to keep in mind that we are trying to grasp a being that is infinitely more than our brain can take in. Imagine God is the most advanced super computer that man ever makes far in the distant future and humans… well we would be an abacus.Answer by Shinigami (FAC)
one thing only and it’s easy: forgive.
How greatly you forgive here depends on how He’ll be able to forgive in return.
God is a mirror of our inner beings….I do not fully understand this either, but I am struggling to. I think this is a very important question because it’s in the back of everyone’s mind.
Is it difficult to forgive a small thing? No. It is difficult to forgive a large thing….and right when you thought you’ve forgiven, up it comes again.
We are set up against invisible enemies, imo. (as a for instance)…. when you are feeling emo, it’s not the world that’s against you. It’s the way you look at the world. The world will always be the world no matter how we all look at it. What goes on inside of us is what makes the world different to us all: a hostile place, a beautiful place, a safe place?
I think the key is forgiveness.
Answer by Vincent PIf you break down the individual arguments involved in this type of question, it’s clear that the god as described by Christians cannot be as they say he is.
If god is omniscient, then he knows all, past, present and future. This is the definition of omniscient. That means that he knows in advance that there are people who will inevitably (by their actions or lack of belief) go to hell for eternity. This also weakly violates the premise that he gave free will, but that’s a topic for another discussion. It matters not whether he explicitly sends them there, or whether they end up there as a result of their own actions.
If god is all-loving, he would not want any of those he loves to suffer, specifically not eternally. I may, for example, tolerate temporary suffering of those I love if it served a purpose of teaching them some sort of moral lesson, insofar as it is not excruciating or lethal, and I would never wish it to be eternal. Infinite punishment for a finite crime is a punishment that only a malicious being would permit. No creature would subject to eternal torture another that it claims to love. This defies the definition of love.
If god is omnipotent, then he has the power to do anything without obstacles. He would have the power to assure that all of these creatures (whom he apparently loves so much) did not ever sin at all. Or if he chose to be more passive and grant them a measure of free will, he at least has the power to guarantee that each and every one of them is certain that he exists, and that the doctrine of such is true. They would then be able to follow his word, and thus avoid eternal damnation.
We see, however, that the Christian god does not act in this way. It therefore follows that god is at least not one of the following: Omniscient, omnipotent, all-loving. He logically cannot be all three concurrently, as that would violate the definitions of the terms.
-If he is not omniscient, then he does not know who and who will not believe in him, who or who will not sin, so he cannot use his power to save those people, even though he loves them as his children.
-If he is not all-loving, then he cares not for our fates and would gladly damn any to eternal punishment, even knowing in advance what their fates may be.
-If he is not omnipotent, then he does not have the power to prevent this judgment. No matter how much he knows, and how much he loves, he unfortunately cannot change the circumstance.
Inevitably, some Christians will claim that hell is a “separation from God” and not eternal torment (although it does often describe the torture of hell in the Bible), but that is irrelevant. An eternal separation from god in the Christian faith IS a form of torment, whether or not there exists hellfire and forced fingernail removal in the final resting place of the sinner. I also submit the fact that a loving being would never want to be eternally separated from those he loved, and given enough power, he would make real their reunion.
All of these are mere theoretical possibilities, assuming of course that a god would exist, but if you follow the logic, it means that a god as described by the Bible (and most other faiths) who is all-loving, all-knowing and all-powerful, can NOT exist. This being would defy logic. You can pick any two of the three, and the doctrine of hell would begin to make sense, but claim all three and the entire argument falls apart.
Answer by KatieFLet me ask you this – If you ordered, agreed to buy something very expensive i.e. a house and found you didn’t have the money, do you think kissing up and doing a bunch of good things to the seller is going to make them give it to you at no cost? It seems that is what you are doing with God. We are sinners and the cost of that is death or hell. God is so merciful He died on the cross, paid the punishment for you and yet instead of accepting that gift, you wanna kiss up and expect that will pay for your sins? Then when God won’t let you you call Him unmerciful? Bottom line, God doesn’t send people to hell. People go there voluntarily by themselves by not accepting God’s invitation to go to heaven.Answer by tree top
we are all born into this world under the bondage of sin and death romans 5:12 death was pass on through adam, but when we come to God through faith in Jesus we are made alive together with Christ alive spiriualy = salvation. and you will never be lost again it is a spiritual life that you receive, this is what adam lost in the garden he died spiritualy, he lived some 830 years then he died phycialy.Answer by Tell me about it
Because he is a just God above all.
If you had two kids and one was a rapist, would you allow them to sleep in the same room just because you loved them both? And if so, how is that fair at all to the innocent child?? How would that not become emotional hell to the righteous one?
Every person has their place. Regardless of the love of our creator, we choose our own eternal home.
And dont lump all suffering into one category. Is the suffering of the innocent child starving in Africa the same as the suffering of the bored and lascivious criminal in jail?? In either case God will present a just end. A recompense for what their soul requires. For one, its to stay in their chosen state of disobedience and misery, and for the other its to be delivered from it since they had no personal blame in creating that circumstance.
Answer by RitaThere is no eternal hell.
” God is unique, eternal, immutable, immaterial, all-powerful, sovereignly just and good, infinite in all His perfections.
The attributes of God, being infinite, are not susceptible of increase or of diminution; otherwise, they
would not be infinite, and God would not be perfect. If the smallest particle were taken from any one of His attributes, He would no longer be God, for there might be some other being more perfect than He. The infinity of a quality excludes the possibility of the existence of any quality contrary thereto, or capable of annulling or of lessening it. A being that is infinitely good cannot possess the smallest particle of wickedness, any more than a being that was infinitely bad could possess the smallest particle of goodness; (…)
This basis and starting point being laid down, we oppose, to the proposition brought forward above [there is eternal hell], the following arguments:
On the other hand, even if it were possible to admit that a temporary offence against the Divinity could be infinite, God, if He revenged Himself by the infliction of an infinite punishment, would be infinitely vindictive; if He were infinitely vindictive, He could not be infinitely good and merciful, for the former attribute is the negation of the others. If He were not infinitely good, He is not perfect; and, if He were not perfect, He is not God. If God were inexorable towards the repentant sinner, He is not merciful; if He were not merciful, He is not infinitely good.
Why should God impose on man the law of forgiveness, if He, Himself, do not forgive? If such were the case, it would follow that the man who forgives his enemies and returns good for evil is better than God, who remains deaf to the repentance of the weak creature that has sinned against Him, and who refuses to grant to that creature, throughout eternity, the slightest mitigation of the torments which his weakness and his inexperience have brought upon him!
God, who is everywhere and sees everything, must see the tortures of the damned. If He remained
insensitive to their groans throughout eternity, He would be eternally devoid of pity; if He were devoid of pity, He would not be infinitely good.”
God doesn’t send people to hell. the people send themselves to hell because of
their refusal to change and stop sinning. it was their own free will. their choice.
God doesn’t stop calling us to Him. it’s up to us to accept or reject Him.
“I saw several souls fall into Hell, and among them was a child of fifteen, cursing
her parents for not having taught her to fear God nor that there was a Hell. Her
life had been a short one, she said, but full of sin, for she had given in to all that
her body and passions demanded in the way of satisfaction…” (March 22, 1923).
I find it interesting that according to christians their god is happy to see buddhists (for example) suffer in hell for eternity because they grew up in the wrong culture with the wrong teachings. God has a very “tough luck” kind of attitude. What a horrible god theirs is!
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