akdemiks08: I recently just got a large sum of money and I want to invest and make more money?
Im thinking about buying some cheap no liens abandoned houses and renting them out as rooms close to Temple Univ in Philadelphia and rent some section 8 Cause im guaranteed my money, What are some other ways to to invest and make money at the same time. DONT TELL ME NOTHING ABOUT TO CD’S, SAVINGS ACCOUNT, OR SAVE THATS ALREADY DONE
Answers and Views:
Answer by Smart Trader
Learn to trade in the money market. Look for instruments that you can leverage for lower risk and higher returns. I recommend you learn to trade US stock options or Forex Trading.
Just prepare a small portion of your available money to start off. I have done the same several years ago and grew my money reserves to double what I had when I started off.
Answer by matt h
The financial market is where you should invest your money. I could teach you everything there is to know about how to trade futures,stock and currencies. I teach charts,candlestick patterns,technical patterns,how to read internals and what to expect in certain conditions. You can profit whether the market is going up or down. I do one-on-one teaching/coaching over the phone every day during market hours.I could get you going in only 1/mo for $ 1,500.You wouldn’t even have to pay me until we’re done.You can start with a “Virtual” account to practice. You can make $ 100 a pt. off S&P MidCap Futures..10 pts a day on just 1 contract is 1k a day.I don’t know how much you have, but you can trade as many contracts as you want. If your interested send me a message. hargrave.matt563@gmail.com
Answer by Common Sense
You are in a rush to get richer. You’ll get yourself involved in deals that you simply have no experience or education for. You’ll buy quickly (stocks, property etc)…. because you’ll be afraid of losing out on some rapid growth. This story will not end well.
Take six months to a year to totally acquaint yourself to what type of investments you want to get into. Never invest in anything you don’t fully understand.
Answer by Jose
Try this link and register instantly you will get $ 10 and $ 2 for every referral https://www.imcrew.com/?r=31858
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