Me: jobs?!?!?!?!?!?
what kind of jobs are out there for a 15 year in columbus
Answers and Views:
Answer by bobs1130
Deliver the Dispatch.
stripping!!!!!!!!!!!Answer by neoga illinois
take a serious look at mc donalds. people start off small in there but some end up as millionaire store owners.Answer by lee f
There is a city, town, county, or parish, by the name, Columbus, in every State in America.
Even, in other Countries of the America’s.
Columbus is the founding father, of this Continent.
It is impossible to guess, which one you are in.
Just like there is a Jefferson county or parish, in almost every State, as well. You are probably in, Columbus Ohio, at least that’s my immediate thought.
You know when I first read this, I thought of Mississippi, right off hand, but then there is this resounding feeling, it is Ohio.
Why do you put me through this. It is a vexation to my spirit, it drains me, I only do it, this time, because you are so young.
Please if you would add a detail, inscribing your geographic location, under your question. Just press on, edit, then press on, add detail. I know there, exist many farms with cattle, chickens, fields of corn, wheat and cotton, etc., if it is Mississippi, that may need a farm hand, part time. In a bigger city, like in Ohio, you may acquire a paper route. There is a Mickadee’s and burger king, in town, I am sure. The local Wall-Mart is a great prospect for starters. You start there, at your age, the way you are, wanting to work, you move up the corporate latter fast. It is a big corporation.
It may be the biggest corporation, in the U.S.
I believe this is how success, is gained.
You asked an impressive question, at your age, very,very, gracious.
I send a little prayer for you to Heaven, that you find employment, that your life takes off from now on, all the way to the top.
Where ever you want to find yourself, that is where you will be.
God bless us all…Answer by mommycturner
Try fast food; retail. Stay away from Walmart. I worked for walmart and its not all its supposed to be. They are supposed to be a family oriented company; they act like they are until you are actually working for them; then they could care less. I worked there for almost four years and then quit to be a stay at home mom. I can’t even describe everything to you. For a few examples; I put God and my family above all. They don’t care. At first they was making me work on Sundays when I was supposed to be in church. Then I finally got it worked out to be off on Sunday; but Christmas Eve was on Sunday the last yr I worked; and they made me work; even though its against my religion to work on Sunday unless you’re working for hospital or somewhere that matters that needs you. Also; anyone gay please don’t take this wrong; I am not judging you; but for those that don’t agree with being gay. Walmart joined partnership with the gay and lesbian company. I don’t know all the details about it; because they didn’t want us to know. They could donate that company so much money; but yet couldn’t hardly pay us anything. We did good just to get our kids on medicaid. You make your own decision; but Walmart is not a good company to work for. I just quit this past May; so its not been that long ago. The cashiers now have to share a till. If the till is wrong; everyone who worked under it that day is held responsible. The till is left in the drawer from 12am to 12am. So who knows all the mistakes that could be made in 24 hrs not to mention if anyone steals on purpose. Sorry this is so long; but I can’t help it; I just felt like you needed to be warned. Also; to call in; you have to call a 1-800 number to get a confirmation number then talk to your store manager and you are only allowed so many. There is soooo much stuff about walmart. God Bless You finding what you want/need.Answer by calonillo
try this it works great for me and i don’t even break a sweat, https://cashcrate .com/438437
delete the space between the “e” and the .com
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