The so awesome guy: is twitter the new myspace? will normal people and celebrities start using it moreas it gets popular?
twitter should become more popular than facebook & myspace in the next years ,do you think so?
Answers and Views:
Answer by anime angel
Answer by Joseph S
There are a lot of celebrities already using Twitter. So, yes, I suppose it can get only more and more popular.
Answer by oreo_see3
myspace is for mostly bands and just plain people tryin to get famous and its very hard to find celebs on there but you can find them on twitter also i have been noticing that even shows from tv are getttin on twitter….so i would say that twitter may get bigger and better than myspace but i doubt it also i think twitter is more for the tv and movie stars while myspace is not only for bands but also is the biggest site for finding old friends it will take years before you can find as many friends on twitter as you will on myspace……….
Answer by cathugger
MySpace is good for blogs, video blogs and photos that people can read or watch whenever they get around to it. Twitter is for short messages of what someone is doing or feeling right then or a short time ago. So I don’t think Twitter will replace MySpace but rather is a new kind of staying in touch that is briefer and more immediate. I think Twitter is more like texting with a cell phone but more public.
I don’t tweet much but I follow several people on Twitter including some singers I like. I especially enjoy David Archuleta’s tweets (@DavidArchie).
Answer by BodyByChocolates
Normally, when I answer a Yahoo Answer I only look at the question being asked and go from there. This however is such a controversial question in our world today that it is interesting to see how different people feel about Twitter.
Here are my thoughts.
Twitter is indeed a different breed of social network than FaceBook or MySpace. No longer are you required to wade through tons of data to find those who you personally want to follow (especially if you use TweetDeck).
However, Twitter has its problems and as such will need to change or go the way of all other old outdated technology. Does it sound weird to refer to Twitter as old and outdated? That’s how fast things happen in the world of technology.
So, what’s my beef with Twitter? Simply put, it lacks ease of use by the average user. I’ve even equated it to the DOS days of WINDOWS. What Twitter needs is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) that helps people understand how to use its system.
None the less, Twitter is indeed my main social networking portal that I use today while feeding all other social networks to Twitter. Same is the case for many celebrities and stars. Though a note of caution is perhaps warranted here — Just because someone has an account with a famous person’s name doesn’t necessarily mean that is the actual famous person you were hoping to connect with.
Hope that helps
The Body By Chocolates Man
Answer by ♥Jonas Brothers♥
Lots of a-Listers are already using twitter. I deleted my myspace and made a twitter instead. It is way better. Way safer too. |*_*|
Answer by Robert H
I’s already nipping on the heels of other web 2.0 platforms and being used by the media at large and protests in Iran and from inside hostage situations. Within the next year who knows plus there are already about 500 applications to add to it’s popularity.
Answer by casaGURU’s #1 Fan
We just used Twitter to raise awareness for Habitat for Humanity and its community affiliates.
We did that because Twitter is gaining a lot of attention and most recently because stolen internal documents were posted by Techcrunch. There is a lot of interest in the site that allows micro-blogging because it capitalizes on 2 key factors in the Internet age: 1) a short attention span (140 characters if we believe Twitter) and 2) a wish to be heard.
Twitter is probably best suited to publicity or spin as it allows celebs to instantly shape public opinion of them far faster than media releases.
As a business it will be interesting to see how Twitter invents itself as in this economy, few have the patience of Mosses to wait until MySpace or Facebook are profitable.
Answer by ssweet394
TIME magazine has a great (two) articles about Twitter:
“Why Everyone’s Talking About Twitter”
“How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live”
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