FMK: Is it necessary to put my dog on heartworm prevention meds?
I’m planning to get my first dog & don’t know alot about heartworms. I currently live in Florida & she will be a indoor/outdoor dog. Is it necessary to put the dog on heartworm prevention meds or should I just have her checked yearly? Most people I’ve known with dogs don’t have their dogs on the meds, so I’m wondering if its even worth it. Also, are Huskys anymore suseptible to heartworms than other type of dogs?
Answers and Views:
Answer by fbc1234
Absolutely. Because you live in Florida, your dog should be on heartworm meds year round (very humid environments are more prone to heartworms). Your vet will help you determine everything your new pet needs and will keep you up to date on shots, meds, etc. Many vets will also do a “first time” exam for free. Hope this helps.
YES. ALL dogs everywhere should be on year round heartworm prevention. HW are in ALL 50 states, but especially since you live on the hot, humid coast you’ll be in mosquito season all year practically!
Heartworm prevention is needed, as is an annual test for heartworms. We’re seeing some resistance and breakthrough disease, but if your pet has been on prevention, the company making the medicine will pay for treatment. Well unless you go through some knock off company like 1800PetMeds…
Answer by SnickersAny dog can get heartworms, Florida is a warm climate and definitely put your dog on heart worm prevention, it is a horrible way to die, and the treatment is really expensive. Much better to prevent it. A Husky in Florida?????Answer by walking lady
Mosquitos don’t discriminate – all breeds get heartworm. And yes, heartworm prevention is 100% necessary because heartworm kills. What good is getting your dog yearly? Once she’s infected, she’s got them and its too late. This isn’t something to get cheap about – heartworm preventative isn’t even expensive!Answer by Dogluver25
Heatworm meds are always a good idea! It’s much easier to prevent heartworms than it is to treat them. The medicine won’t harm your dog in anyway….so I don’t see why not. I don’t think Huskies are more susceptible to heart worms than other breeds.Answer by krissy112002
Any dog is suseptible to heartworm and yes you should have your dog on a heartworm preventative. If your dog gets heartworm, they will have to undergo aggressive treatment that will be very painful and will have to be seperated from contact with other animals and humans. It is a lot easier to prevent than it is to treat.Answer by butterfinger_918
if you’re a concerned pet owner, then yeah, it is necessary to put your dog on heartworm medicine. i give it to my dog, and she doesn’t have any. its better to be safe than sorry . Am i rite?Answer by daa
It is absolutely necessary to have your dog on heartworm prevention! Heartworm treatment is expensive, difficult, and painful for the dog. Untreated heartworm disease will kill the dog.Answer by 😡
of course you need to.. thats why they make them.Answer by Bonnie L
The dog needs to have a monthly dose of Heartgard. I wouldn’t take the chance by not using it. Your dog needs a simple blood test on a yearly basis. I value my dogs too much to take such risks.Answer by livin life are in Florida, home of the mosquito. for a bout 80 bucks a year, you can prevent heartworm in your dog and save its life. So what happens if u check her yearly and she has then heartworm? what will u do about it?All dogs are susceptable to heartworm. Those other people who dont have thier dogs on meds are stupid or just dont care.
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