Legs: How is radiometric dating a viable way to date fossils?
If you answer carbon dating or potassium argon you are wrong.
Fossils are dated by which strata they come from, strata are dated by which fossils they contain, which is circular reasoning. Radiometric dating would not even be feasable if the geologic column had not been set up first.
@ FA
Thnx for your input, but I don’t understand the need for you to input that information it didn’t prove of disprove anyone’s point so I don’t know what the point of your comment was, but thnx.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Paul Jackson
“Fossils are dated by which strata they come from, strata are dated by which fossils they contain, which is circular reasoning.”
By what method do you determine the age of fossils? What is your estimate of the age of various fossils which you feel paleontologists have dated incorrectly?
“Radiometric dating would not even be feasable if the geologic column had not been set up first.”
So you don’t believe in the geologic column?
Answer by Zardoz
Nope. You got it wrong. Try again by actually studying it instead of listening to your stupid creationist mentor. He doesn’t mind stunting your intellectual development by lying to you if it will get him to Heaven.
Answer by goringIt is based on decay data.A great part is not deterministic.
thus it means that the results are probabilistic.Since we are dealing with an exponential function where the decay constant are not necessarily constant but could vary and consequently are arbitrary.Answer by FA
It isn’t. Fossils don’t concentrate appropriate isotopes in the right way and the sedimentary strata in which they are found is a mixture of different source regions.
However looking at the rest of your question it’s fairly clear that you don’t really understand what radiometric dating is, or the difference between relative and absolute dating. Sedimentary strata and fossils have no bearing on radiometric dates, they can only tell you the order that things occurred in, not exactly when they did. If you then recognise the composition or the fossils in another part of the world, it stands to reason that they would be roughly the same age. This is relative dating.
Radiometric dating gives an absolute date based on the decay of radioactive isotopes. More precisely it dates the point at which the mineral last cooled below its closure temperature. As a result it will only work on igneous or metamorphic rocks. Try it on a sedimentary rock and it will give you the age of the source rock. Dates were assigned to the column based on the dating of igneous rocks occurring at the same time as the sedimentary layers (very simply). The geologic column is needed to say something like “these rocks are Cretaceous” but it isn’t needed to get an actual date.
So this statement.
“Radiometric dating would not even be feasible if the geologic column had not been set up first.”
Is completely wrong
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