ginger ♥ edward cullen: Im interested in taking night classes on literature and writing. Where do i start looking for information?
I graduated college four years ago. Since then, I feel like my brain has deteriorated. Im interested in the arts, particularly film, literature, even history and philosophy. I want to go back to school, but with 2 jobs, i can only commit to a 2-3 night/weekend classes a week. I live in the San Fernando Valley in So. Cal. Where do is start looking for information?
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Answer by DavisWalk
This isn’t specific, as I am not from Cali, but I would check your local state colleges and universities. Since you already graduated you will probably want to look into taking a masters course in Fine Arts Literature… or something to that effect. There are plenty of night classes that can help you earn credit towards your masters, and I personally say go for it! Education is awesome! But, yes… check your local schools… all of them for the best deal, and program that suits you.
I am not sure about Cali, but I know that in most states local colleges and High schools offer satellite courses for adult ed. Try contacting your school districts for info relating to continuing education. I am almost certain that if you are just looking for the intellectual “pick me up,” that you could audit classes at a community college..most times for a very small fee or even better free! Hope this helps!
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