Shelby Parry: INSURANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
How much would insurance cost on a 700 dollar rent appartment?? roughly.. for a calm project.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jason
Renters insurance typically is not that much. I rent a 2 bedroom house and I pay $ 26 a month. Just remember to keep receipts for everything you want replaced if something happens.
Answer by Entidtil
Only an insurance company can answer how much they might charge. What is a “calm” project?
This is automobile insurance and registration, not rental or homeowners insurance?????
Answer by Adam Hutsell
It depends on the amount of personal property you want covered, if you have auto coverage with the same company, the deductible amount chosen, as well as your credit. For good credit, $ 20,000 in coverage on personal property, with a $ 500 deductible, our rates would typically run between $ 10-12 per month.
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