Leesabrat: If reducing taxes will cause companies to start hiring, why does Nevada have the highest unemployment?
Nevada has no income tax, no corporate tax, and very low property tax.
If conservatives think that low taxes is the solution, why isn’t it working here?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Bertrand Encourages Thought
Las Vegas has an unemployment rate of 40%
Answer by Boss H
because trickle-down has been proven to be a failed economic policy time and time again.
You just can’t convince right-wingers that the propaganda they think is true, is false.
Because if they realized that they would realize they are accountable for most of America’s economic problems.
With a 4 year degree and doing bookkeeping work out in Vegas, my buddy is hardly clearing minimum wage.
Texas is a bad example since it is a border state and most companies that outsource to Mexico are moving their distributing centers to Texas to reduce transportation costs from Mexico.
Answer by thumbs down for truth
it’s also a border state you don’t think that has something to do with it
as is CA and AZ both also have very high unemployment rates
Answer by Al Heavilin
All those unemployed Gamblers hanging out there and hookers don’t report employment.
Answer by wally woogie
Most people out of work in Nevada work in the gaming or hotel industry, which is tourist based. Sorry to completely blow your argument out of the water.
A better example is Texas, where unemployment is very, very low, and a conservative state.
Answer by phil
nevada does not have enough infrastructure to support large business,you need several things to create a good business climate,skilled workers ,water ,electric ,adequate resources and support and other factors
Answer by Miss Anne Thrope
Nevada is a transient state as is Florida, they are over whelmed with cheap illegal workers who do so under the table, taking jobs and TAX DOLLARS from Americans,.
Answer by Lazyeddie
Where is your source of Nevada being the highest?
State income tax is nothing compared to Federal.
All Nevada is is Las Vegas and desert.
Answer by Dr. Phil of sh!t
Lets see the state has two things Casino’s and sand.
Nobody ever really buys much sand so i guess their growth and economy is pretty tied to CASINO’S lets see what don’t people do when they are broke hmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe they STAY HOME and don’t spend money huh why would a states that is tied soley to a resort industry suffer big in an economic downturn man you better call in some experts to figure this puzzler out.
Answer by eugene jeep
Well using that logic why is Illinois broke, we have high property taxes, high sales taxes and corporate tax we have 10% unemployment in the are of Illinois where I am and most of the state isn’t much better ! We have been ruled by the liberals for years and we just keep sinking deeper in the abyss !
Answer by Johnny Rico
hmmm, Sand whores, casinos, ecstasy…but no one has money for anything………
trade the sand for trees and water and i have the rest right here in the south..
.with money and a job Praise God!
Answer by jeeper_peeper321
Because corporations also need transportation services to move their products to market
Something nevada doesn’t have.
IE: airports, rail service and interstate service.
Answer by TAT
They have a high % of illegals. They have a wicked drug trade. And our illustrious President has said on more than one occasion not to go to Las Vegas while times are tight. Nevada needs tourism and the economy and the slams by O have not helped. BTW, NV property taxes are not that low
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