fideux: How would you make Driver Education classes more interesting?
I teach driver education and I want to know if you had a favorite part of driver education. Do you remember anything in particular that you really liked, or really disliked?
If you was teaching driver education, what would you do to keep the students attention?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Kathy S
one word — alcohol
ADD or ADHD medication its how teachers make up for there lack job skills by drugging children.
Amazing how incompatent goverment workers could demand you drug your child, and then dempand higher pay for their incompatence.
Answer by corsairkid33Well I am 16 and just recently got my lisence. My favorite part of driver’s ed, was when our teacher brought in beer goggles. He made us wear them and do different tasks such as walking a straight line, catching a tennis ball, pouring water into a cup, etc. It was really fun and interesting, yet still got the point across of how drinking will affect driving.
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