Kari S: How to make my kitten stop hissing at my older cat?
I just moved back into my parents house with my new kitten, she is 5 months old and not spayed yet. My parents already have a 4 year old male cat who is fixed. My kitten goes up to the cat and hisses and growls and tries to scratch the adult cat but the adult cat doesnt do anything. How can i get my cat to calm down and now hiss at the adult cat anymore?
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Answer by eastwoodelvis
Thats nature for you…Im no expert but I would just let things go for a while and see if it settles…When she is old enough get her spayed and that should quieten her down…
It’s a cat,,, you cant get them to do anything… Just give it time.. they will be best of buds soon,Answer by big d
spaying will calm the lil kitten down a bit. i have three cats and the two males would always “argue” (hissfight). i got a squirt bottle, with water, and with one squirt at there back ends they stopped immediatly. every now and then if the run into eachother, coming around a corner or something, there may be a little stand off but i just reach for the bottle and they go about there business.
time together will also fix the fighting, especially since she is still a kitten.Answer by christinlk
Sounds like the other cat is extremely patient. The kitten will eventually stop – whether it grows out of it or is finally taught a lesson by the other cat. All 3 of my cats were hissers when they first met and now you can’t separate them .Answer by Judy W
She is acting like a cat. She is getting to the age where she is wanting to establish her own territory and this is how a cat does it. She is being rude and obnoxious. The older cat is not intimidated by her. He is setting the tone so take a hint from him and ignore it. It is a phase and will pass.Answer by Lucy B
You’ve got to let nature take its course. It takes time for cats to warm up to each other. Your lucky the older one is not trying to attack the baby.Answer by JNorton
Generally spaying your cat will help her become less aggressive. She’s got crazy hormones all over the place and a spay will decrease the high levels. Kittens usually take to other cats well and unless there was something dramaticly wrong in the kitten’s life before you got her, the best reason why she is so aggressive is that she is not spayed. Until you get her spayed you might want to read up on how to get them acquainted better:
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