Waffle of the Ancients: How to make guitar chords played on the piano sound like a song?
I play in the praise band at my school, you guessed it, on the keyboard. The only music I have is the guitar chords. Before you say it, I already know how to play guitar chords on piano. That isn’t my problem. My problem is that it just sounds like I’m play guitar chords, and it’s sounds stupid and boring.
Is there any easy way to jazz it up a bit to where it sounds like a song? And no, I cannot get the sheet music for most of the songs.
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Answer by Lee
I play a lot of keyboard, and I also write many of my own parts off of the guitar chord progressions. What I often do when I`m writing my own lines is outline the basic chord in the left hand and then play on the tones a bit more in the right. like, I might play the root and fifth of the chord in the left hand, and noodle around with the third, seventh and ninth in the right. One thing to keep in mind: Since you`re performing with guitars, they will likely be doing the main outlining of the chords, which leaves you free to get as creative as you want as long as you stay in the right key. so, for example, one thing you can try to make it more interesting is to really pull the chords apart between the two hands and several octaves of the piano; instead of just playing a solid chord, make it into running eighth notes. you can make up all sorts of neat patterns that compliment the vocal/melody line. Just get really used to hearing the chord progressions and get a feel for what notes fit in where, and have fun with it! 🙂
Answer by LucasMan
Chords are chords. You can’t play “guitar chords” on the piano. That’s just a silly notion. A G major chord has the notes G B and D in it. It doesn’t matter what instrument you play it on.
I assume you’re just banging out the chords in a dull and uninspired way. Well that’s because you don’t really know what you’re doing or what to do. Listen to other keyboard players and figure out what they’re doing. Maybe get some lessons and ask your teacher about comping chords. Learn how music actually works and you’ll have more freedom to experiment while playing (because you’ll have the confidence in knowing what will sound good).
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