J F: How much knowledge of programming is needed to be a game designer?
Im 17 and I am looking at colleges. I’m interested in learning game design in school, which it is difficult finding schools that have game design programs. Some schools though, have separate majors for design and programming. Should I try to take classes for both, or should I just be fine sticking with game design? I’m told to be a game designer you need a lot of knowledge of programming, but I dont see why if I’m just drawing out and creating 3D levels or whatever design I get into.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Kasey C
To be blunt, programming has not that much to do with game design.
What you need to know is what is “possible” with the hardware available to you. You are NOT going to get the “Jeopardy! Watson” type AI in your game. You don’t actually need to actually know how to do it. So putting in your design that you want that sort of AI will show the world you’re a nut. 😀
Answer by Effendiuz
I recommend that you use IllusionMage 3D Animations Software. it’s simple and easy to produce amazing graphics like Pixar animated minus the hassles.
Good luck!
Answer by Marcus Stevens
What do you want to do? If you want to study programming, major in Computer Science and math. If you want to do art assets, major in art. Management, business, economics, something like that. Sound, I don’t know what major there is really. Don’t go to those schools that say “Teach you ALL of game design in two years” because they suck.
Answer by mr. mister
There’s always FullSail Acadamy, ranked within the top 5 gaming colleges in the world. They are located in Florida, and specialize not only in gaming and simulation programming; they offer degrees in movie making and many other multimedia undertakings. Of course, they are NOT cheap. They also offer courses online.
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