: How many weeks does my puppy have to be in order to start eating puppy food?
My dog had only one puppy and my puppy is close to being 3 weeks old and it doesnt look like its developed to eat. At how many weeks can I introduce puppy food and water?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Cherylann
6 to 8 weeks.
The breeder I bought my dogs from starts the pups on a tiny piece of ground raw meat at 3 weeks of age. She puts a small amount of the meat on her finger and the pups lick it off. She mixes up a large plate of mushy, meaty gruel and the pups learn to lap it from the dish.Answer by Angel Dunn
water at anytime try once in a while around 5 weeks to mush dog food with water see if he will eat it at 6-8 weeks just damp the food and at 9-10 weeks try solidAnswer by E. H. Amos
Most breeders start introducing a food MUSH at about 3 to 4 weeks but the puppy can nurse as long as the mother will let it. Usually by the 5th week, the puppy teeth hurt enough she’s not very interested so you need to be working the puppy up to eating some semi-solid kibble type food, from 3 weeks on. Puppies should have a pan of water at all times – by now.Answer by Kristy
You can introduce watered down can food (no chunks) at 4 or 5 weeks, just for licking up, not a bowl full. Can introduce puppy dry food at 5-6 weeks, just bites here and there. Should be able to eat dry or normal canned food by 6-8 weeks, without needing momma’s milk.Answer by Bell Spant
She should start eating some dog food mixed in with 2 tsps of cottage cheese and a small bit of wet dog food and water around this time unless not weaned yet. In this case, start weaning. Once weaned, I suggest the mix above. At 3-4 months take out the cottage cheese, at 6 months gradually take out the wet dog food and water.
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