“Arkie Mom”: How many of you divorced women have slept with your divorce lawyer while ending your marriage?
How many of you think that there should be some sort of discount on the divorce cost if you do?
Answers and Views:
Answer by torn
hi..i’m a divorce lawyer. I have some important document to show you…in my pants.
answer mines?
I didn’t do it, and there should be a law against such acts~Answer by Nicole
Haha! No to your question but I definitely think that there should be a discount….it’s only fair!Answer by Quasimodo
How much of a percentage off did you get?
And it only goes to prove that lawyers are the most unethical of the lot.
Answer by Snarky’s WifeLMAO…I can’t help it. I just have to mention…..
I did one of those “Do it Yourself” divorces.
You wouldn’t believe the twisted sexually deviant things I was forced to do, er…to myself.
Answer by Boston Billdidnt u see the 2 and a half men episode when charlie sleeps with alans lawyer(heather locklear) and alan was the one who got royally screwed? not a good idea.Answer by Acquiescent
Is THAT what is meant by Pro Bono???Answer by High Roller
A woman who sleeps with her lawyer is a fool and all she’s going to get is screwed.Answer by AhManDuh
Looks like my secret is out.Answer by prettylittlething
Good question, I guess no one actually admits to it,lets find out.Answer by Eddie Cacciatore, Private Eye
I’m not sure about lawyers, but I always seems to hire attractive female counselors to “help me be a better husband.” They do accept the $ 18 co-pay.Answer by Courtney M. P.
I haven’t been divorced yet, but that is another perk now that you mention it… hmmm… it would give the attorney a more educated opinion about what the hubby is loosing… mental note: new divorce lawyer criteria – fineAnswer by Snarky
My first wife, had sex with her divorce lawyer, but she had sex with everyone. The way the judge treated me, I’m sure he was also in on her action. Why else would she be rewarded half of my police pension, the house, the car, the cattle farm, etc. Whoever said you can never get ahead by using sex, was wrong.Answer by Jackie
well, at least now ur getting some!!! 😉Answer by bgbbill
< not a divorced woman. and i dont plan to be one!! lolAnswer by cassandras_evil_sister3
if i were divorced, id have gotten ‘him’ as part of the settlement so hubby will continue to service me!!! :))
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