David O: How many levels of taxation are in a loaf of bread I purchase at my local grocery store?
Can Americans ever save for retirement with this tax system? Didn’t our founding fathers have a similar issue?
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Answer by dumpfinds
The bread maker, the distributor, the seller, the consumer, if the consumer then uses it for business purposes – so no Americans cannot even begin to save anything under a tax system like ours – and yes, we have more cause to revolt against the taxation process in America now than our forefathers did against England.
Retirement will soon be only for the wealthy…people will be forced to work past 90 years old, they are already trying to raise the retirement age. I wouldn’t be so mad if they used our tax dollars for useful purposes. Yet, I still have a love for tax, one of the reasons I’m majoring in accounting lol. 🙂Answer by extra_37
Get a grip. Our tax system is one of the more fairer in the world. In many countries, you are told by the government what your tax bill is, rather than you filing a return and paying the government what YOU say is your tax bill. Saving for retirement has nothing to do with taxes…it has to do with lifestyle. From every check you receive, you should put a percentage into savings, whether a 401(k) or an investment account. AFTER you do that, you can spend your money how you want. The problem with most Americans is that we spend too much of our discretionary income before we think about our savings.
Don’t blame the tax system because you don’t spend your money wisely.
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