Brook.R.: How long is it ok to keep a tattoo covered during the healing process?
I’m planning on getting a tattoo on my side right around the hip bone area. (a little below the belt line) Anyways, I don’t want to get ink all over my clothes, nor can I walk around without pants on seeing as I still live with my anti-tattoo parents who will conveniently not know about my tattoo. My question is how long will I be able to keep it covered during the day and night to protect the tattoo and my clothes. Thanks!!!
Answers and Views:
Answer by Too…
Keep it covered as long as you want. Use saran wrap and medical tape, which they’ll do when you get it. Btw… getting on a bone really hurts.
Answer by tel
when you get it done and if the artist covers it with saran take it off after you leave the place. That will suffocate the tattoo and will slow the healing process. If he put a bandage on it then keep it on for at aleast two hours. they cover it so it wont get infected because it is like an open wound. Covering it for the next few days for short periods of time is ok, but you need to let it breath to heal better. Make sure you clean it correctly and use oatmeal lotion works best for my tats or ointment. The first week it might bleed through your clothes so you might need to cover but make sure to also let it air out. Remember if you keep it covered itll stay wet and wont heal correctly. Good luck.
Answer by Skim11
You can use a nonstick medical bandage and tape to cover it in the day and while wearing clothes for however long you need to. Just make sure you wash it twice a day with antibacterial soap, pat dry and then put Aquaphor on it. Let it air out a little whenever you can.
Answer by John Nickle
You shouldn’t cover it at all. Let it air out as soon and often as possible.
I use Rocco’s Old School on my tattoos. All natural. Heals fast and healthy.
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