: How is Islam the fastest growing religion in the west?
There all kind of people coming to Islam. There is some that even converts it huge masses ( 20+ people). It’s the fastest growing religion in the UK and USA. Just visit you tube. How is that a religion that is put down in the media constantly is the most popular choice today?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Chauncey Q. Buttercup
I have a hard time believing that it’s the fastest growing religion in the west.
Truth always can not hide.Answer by ?
Your sources? Are you also taking into account the mass exodus from Islam to atheism and even Christianity or not?Answer by purloincloth
Westborough Baptist church caused a lot of people to turn their backs on ChristianityAnswer by Sky Is The Limit.
It has to be . Lots of publicity .
People want ot know what is going on!Answer by Cornelius Snotterchops
Because all the others are in decline. Atheism and Agnosticism are the clear winners and the growth of these two philosophies dwarf the growth of any religion in Europe. Not the same in the US as religion still has a strong voice.Answer by Mark Anthony
Because Allah (SWT) states clearly in the Holy Quran, that truth stands clear from error. So as much as people try and cover up the truth, they will never be able to do so. The truth (Islam) is like olive oil and what the media does is that it mixes water (falsehood) with the truth and stirs the whole mixture together (stirring up trouble), which leaves people confused at that particular moment in time. But after some time, the oil will eventually separate itself from the water and will float to the top. Hence truth will always stand out clearly from error.
@ All those who don’t believe – According to statistics from the U.N., Islam is now the world’s second largest religion after Christianity. The U.N. statistics state that the Islam annual growth rate of Islam is around 6.40% compared to 1.46% during the same time period for Christianity. Also according to these statistics, one in five people on the planet are Muslim (by birth or geographical reference).
Answer by Jesus Is Lord, Not a MuslimIt’s growing because of deceit and high birth rates. Most people in the west end up leaving Islam in a few years, after they’ve finally learned the truth about it. Most women convert for a man. Those women should be pitied for their lack of self esteem and desperation.Answer by Ranchmom1
Your information is not correct. Presently every 24 hours, the world population of Christians increases by 69,000, whereas there are only 68,000 Muslims. The only reason Muslims are anywhere near Christians is because of higher birth rates in the parts of the world where Muslims are largest.
Wishing you well.
Answer by Ray of Light!How do they do it?Answer by Ismail Eliat
Islam is spread through Akhlaq (Character). You will find many person tell this ‘ Those Muslims portrayed in the media is dangerous, but the Muslim friend I have is a cool person. Nice with me and helpful’. In fact, this is the truth. Media portrays those of our few black sheeps that act something out of their ignorance and label that as Islam. Allah has given man a brain to think and to distinguish truth from falsehood. So those who seek the truth has no obstacles before them. Truth is clear from falsehood as the daylight differs from night. Truth is a light that Allah puts in the hearts of those who seek it. So there is nothing to stop if Allah wills to guide someone. Allah His plans above all plans. The way Allah made Hazrath Musa (pbuh) to grow in the palace of Pharoah, his very enemy,,, Allah cradles Islam even today with His Qudrath though the Mushrikoon and Kuffar hates it. It will prevail over all other ISMs and faiths.
Allah knows best.Answer by ?
Because other religions are in decline and Islam has picked up most of those followers.
You see the populations are still small. In The USA Islam is a growing religion If you look at the census results. The number of people affiliating with Christianity has dropped 23%. Islams number has picked up by 10%
Population wise Muslims still make only 0.9% of the population so although it’s a big jump the numbers are not in their hundreds of thousands.
Answer by MikeI wonder where you got that impression from, because all the evidence shows that Islam is failing everywhere.
Ahmad Al Qataani said on al Jazeera TV: “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.”
Also, these links say otherwise to your claim:-
There are many more of such proofs of a massive exodus from Islam.
Most of the people who leave Islam don’t talk about it publicly because they are afraid of being killed for Apostasy by other Muslims.
So, why don’t you check your information and see for yourself?
Answer by RADNot only in the west but accross the Globe.
Many Christians in the west have converted to Islam, stating Islam has all the answers they could not find in any other religion.
Answer by subhojit.dharIt is the fastest growing religion, no doubt about it. But it is not due to conversion but the famous Muslim slogan, Hum Paanch, Hamara Pachis, (We Five, Ours 25).
While every other religion is trying to save the earth by reducing population, The Muslims have been reproducing like amoeba to increase their numbers and colonize the earth.
Answer by Happy-go-lucky RitaStatistically, up to 75% of new Muslim converts all leave Islam within 5 years.Answer by لا إله إلا الله ISLAM
Islam is growing due to conversions (proper term ‘reversions’ since everyone is born in submission). Birthrate has very little to do with it. The death rate and the fact that the West keeps killing millions of Muslims in the Middle East all balance out. However, less Muslims leave Islam (the ones who do end up coming back to Islam later on) and the number of conversions to Islam are growing. This is why it is the fastest growing religion. Why are more people converting (reverting)? Because any attention from the media – negative or positive – is making people aware of Islam. They study it to truly understand it, and once you thoroughly understand Islam, there is no way you can stay away from embracing the truth.Answer by Peach ღ
@Happy rita, Have you got a source?Answer by The Bricklayer
If you look carefully at the figures bandied about,you will see that a large percentage of “New Muslims” in the West have immigrated from Islamic nations,the figures also include the children of Muslim immigrants,born in the West.
More people are leaving religion altogether than joining Islam.
Answer by RoxWhich Media puts down Islam?
Show me.
More new bars are built in NY than churches; does that mean that bars are better than churches?
An increase of Muslims means an increase in terror which we have seen in England and other European countries.
Is Islam of the devil?
Immigration pure and simple. There is however no evidence to say that conversion to Islam is the largest in the west. So to say that Islam is the fastest growing religion due to conversion is false, if someone has legitimate sources with the actual statistics and polling feel free to show them. But for now it only grows due to immigration. However, the fastest growing belief system is Atheism, where in my country of Canada now has around 16 % claiming no-religion(this is not just Atheism, but agnostics and things like Darwinism)Answer by LeilaTheChatterbox
Some people will still deny… I pity them.Answer by Mubashir
This is mostly western Government propaganda and they are actually doing this to make minds of non-muslims in their favor to Ban islamic practices in their countries and make our new generations Non-Muslim.Answer by Aisha Ahmad
An article which appeared in The Sunday Times on 22 February 2004 stated that, “…more than 14,000 white Britons have converted to Islam after becoming disillusioned with western values, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon.” It is further estimated that “. . . anywhere between 10,000 and 50,000 people a year convert to Islam in the UK . . . .” According to Reuters, within a span of around two or three years, “Some 3,000 to 5,000 Italians have converted to Islam from Catholicism in recent years,” De Standaard a Flemish daily newspaper came with an article published in 2004, which reported that “400 Belgians each year convert to Islam in the great Mosque of Brussels” I can continue with more statistics but why don’t you get the statistics for yourself plus the citations in this Book: “They are either Extremely Smart or Extremely Ignorant”
Some articles with such data include: “Big Numbers, Great Meanings” https://extremelysmart.org/2011/11/29/big-numbers-great-meanings/ And “Figures Must Speak, Even Louder” https://extremelysmart.org/2011/11/29/figures-must-speak-even-louder/
Answer by SmilePeople question it, they are naive anymore. So when thy realise that Islam is a great religion they convert. I’m mean look at Tony Blair’s sister-in-law, educated, beautiful and in the public eye a lot and related to a racist politician. She would have been the last person I would have thought would become a Muslim. So if she did it, she must be onto to something, and people question why she is doing it and read up on Islam and then they find what she found. and consequently convert. Also Allah mention in the Quran that every person on earth will be a Muslim, so this is just the beginning. Allah has never failed us before he won’t start now.Answer by The Advocate.
@ RAD: If islam has all the answers & if people follow islam because it has given them the answers then you as a muslim should give me satisfactory answers to the following questions otherwise you are a liar.
1. Are you sure that Islam will lead you to heaven? As, even THE PERFECT MUSLIM DID NOT KNOW IF HE WAS GOING TO HEAVEN yes you heard me right,
Hadith al-Bukhari 5:266 “By Allah, though I am the Apostle of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do for me”
Sura 46:9 I don’t know what will happen with me or you so how can I tell you if you will go to heaven or not.
2. When a muslim commits a sin should he/she be punished coz allah already knew & willed it to happen and gave the knowledge and strength to perform that sin. Quran 6:59
3. If this life is a “test” of the afterlife Quran 6:165,& allah is ALL KNOWING that means allah knows the result, & if it knew that you were going to hell (by its will) & if it still created you, doesn’t it further live up to its other attribute, “Most Sadistic”
4. ALLAH WILL NEVER GUIDE ME (or any other kafir) Quran17:46 And We place upon their hearts veils lest they should understand it, and in their ears a deafness.
Quran16:93 If Allah so willed, He could make you all one people: But He leaves straying whom He pleases, & He guides whom He pleases: but ye shall certainly be called to account for all your actions.
What I want to know here is allah chooses if it wants to guide me, (in my life it has chosen not to),& if it doesn’t, I go into hellfire, the fuel of which is human bone? At-Tahrim 66:6
5. About free will, is it free will if your destiny is already written in a record clear Qur’an, Al-An’am, Surah 6:59.
6. Why did allah create shaitan ? Quran 2:30 Recall that your Lord said to the angels, “I am placing a representative on Earth.” They said, “Will You place therein one who will spread evil therein & shed blood, while we sing Your praises, glorify You, & uphold Your absolute authority?” He said, “I know what you do not know.”
The problem I have with this is, allah deceives people Quran16:93, places burdens on people Quran 2:286, causes people to sin by testing them Quran 6:165, & giving them the strength to sin Quran 6:59, & after this the poor devil gets the blame.
Is the purpose of creating the devil only to take the blame for the nonsense that allah does & get stoned in the annual muslim ritual of “stoning the devil”?
7. Your prophet was illiterate right? “Those who follow the messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write” Quran 7: 157 then who wrote the quran?, if not mohamed then how did mohamed verify what he was narrating to his biographers if it was exactly what he wanted them to write?
8.Sunan Abu-Dawud: Bk 40, N: 4579: Narrated Abu Hurayrah: The Apostle of Allah stood among us & said’: ‘Beware! The People of the Bk before (you) were split up into 72 sects,& this community will be split up into 73, 72 of them will go to Hell and one of them will go to Paradise, & it is the majority group”
Let us see what we understand here, is this why Sunnis are bombing Shi’ite mosques, to be the MAJORITY GROUP?
But still, which one of the sects are correct & which ones are going to hell (there can only be one right one) lets leave that to allah, it is a specialist at throwing people into “Hellfire” and giving them new skin so that they will burn again & again.
9. Is there ONE QURAN?
The Warsh quran, Qalun quran, al-Bazzi quran, Qunbul quran, al-Duri quran, al-Suri quran, Hisham quran, Ibn Dhakwan quran, Khalaf quran, Khallad quran, al-Duri quran, Abu’l-Harith quran, Hafs quran, Ibn `Ayyash quran, Ibn Wardan quran, Ibn Jamaz quran, Ruways quran, Rawh quran, Ishaq quran, Idris al-Haddad Quran etc
Also, The following verses differ between the Warsh version (popular in Africa) & the Hafs versions (popular in Middle East) of the Quran: 7:57, 9:37, 2:259, 3:81, 6:96, 1:4, 2:140, 2:125, 3:146, 2:132, 91:15, 2:132, 3:133, 5:45, 2:139, 3:81, 2:259, 2:214, 2:9, 2:184 & 28:48.
A very simple way to find out the Truth, very painfully, is to go to Saudi Arabia carrying a non-Wahabi Quran.
They’ll seize the copy and burn it & give you 200 lashes on the spot for the first offense. If you survive that & still insist on being foolhardy, well, you’ll literally lose your head over it.
About the muslims going for hajj with a non wahabi quran is concerned every year there are at least 200 muslims dying in the “STONING OF THE DEVIL” now one wonders if the muslims are stoning THE DEVIL/ SHAITAN or if they are stoning the other devil (the one carrying the non wahabi quran).
10. Does allah make muslims suffer?
Quran 2:286 “On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear”. This shows that allah is placing a burden on muslims, the blind, the lame, the starving, the deformed, YES YES, these are its gifts.
11. There is an authentic hadith saying 999 MUSLIMS out OF1000 will END UP IN HELL
Bukhari Bk 6 Vol 60
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