neinei: How does taking time off for long vacations work?
I know a lot of people that take 1-3 months off for vacation and usually because they’re going out of the country for vacation. I was just wondering, do they get paid for all three months while they’re on vacation, or do they have to sacrifice 1-2 months of being unpaid? Has anyone been able to take vacations this long? Thanks in advance.
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Answer by Conspiracy Carrot
A family member of mine took a leave of absence from her job to go trekking in India for something like 2 months. She had SOME vacation/sick time, saved money, and was gifted like $ 500 from our grandmother. Oh, and she used her credit card 😛
I went on a couple long trips around the country. Saved my money and pawned things I didn’t need to do it, then quit whatever job(s) I was working… I knew they would be temporary anyway.
Answer by RoofingPrincess
It depends on a lot of factors.
If you work for the same company for a long time, some companies give you more vacation time the longer you’ve been there. I’ve been at my company for over 25 years, so I get 5 weeks vacation.
Some companies give you the opportunity to buy up to a week’s worth of vacation; they figure out the value of a day of your salary, and then divide the value of the days you want to buy by the number of paychecks in a year, and take that amount out of each paycheck. I buy a week.
So I have 6 weeks paid vacation, enough to take a month and a half off with pay.
Some people have jobs where they can accumulate sick days and roll them over. That could give them a huge bank of paid time off that they could access.
And some people are willing to take an unpaid leave of absence to make their travel dreams come true.
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